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when jisung came out of school, I messaged him about him giving my number to hyunjin without me knowing. he told me that hyunjin wanted to text me about me bringing in his umbrella today which I didn't.

I just left it like that because I didn't want to long out the conversation.

I didn't do much at home, all I did was listen to music when hyunjin distracted me by spam messaging me and then I helped my mom with the groceries since she did the shopping.

that's it.

the time was around ten-thirty pm. I normally sleep at ten pm when there's school.

I don't care if it's early.

I was about to put my phone on silent and go to sleep when someone texted me.

I already knew who it was so I opened the message and was about to type in something.

are you sleeping?
sent 10:48 pm

sent 10:50 pm

and with that, I left.

what does he want at this time?


I put my phone on silent like I was going to do and left it on my nightstand next to me.

it was now a wednesday morning when I woke up to my alarm ringing.

I struggled to get up from my comfy bed but I did eventually. I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine then got dressed.

I got my bag ready and put in the homework I did the day before yesterday.

something felt missing, what wa-

oh yeah. the umbrella.

I got that and shoved it inside my bag not wanting to think about it and made my way downstairs.

I quickly ate a granola bar, put on my shoes and then left the house.

I just made it in time for the bus before it was going to depart.

there was one last stop left until I arrived at school. and coming to think of it, the bus wasn't that crowded, normally it's packed.

the bus stopped and I got off and started walking towards the school gates.

today's lessons weren't bad. I had art last, I'm ass at art. I'm praying the teacher doesn't move anyone next to me since I sit by myself in that lesson.

I went to first period which was maths.

for fuck sake.

I made my way to the maths hallways and got into my classroom.

I sit next to jeongin. he's a cool guy his style sense is very good and he always has good outfits. every time he smiles his dimples are on full display, he also has eye smiles which makes him look like a fox. very cute.

I would kinda say we are friends? maybe? but I would like to become closer to him.

he was already sitting down so I walked over and sat down besides him. he smiled at me and I smiled back.

the lesson was nearly over, me and jeongin talked a lot and got to know each other more!

he had an older brother and a younger brother. he also mentioned that he loved taking pictures of his outfits, they are called ootds.

the lesson finished and I waved jeongin bye and went off to my next class.

I repeated that until it was break, then lunch and now last period.

I heard the bell ring meaning lunchtime was over. I said goodbye to jisung and we both parted ways to go to classes.

I reached the art class and went inside.

Ms. Yuna greeted me with a smile and I smiled back. I went to go sit at my desk which was in the back, I sat down when the classroom door opened.

I thought it was a random teacher or another student so I didn't bother looking and carried on looking outside the window when the students in the class all started to gasp and whisper.

I was confused so I turned my head to see who came in and it was...

yep. it was hyunjin.

"the fuc-" I was about to whisper to myself when the teacher cut off my sentence by announcing something.

"hyunjin, you can go sit next to.." she said as she looked around the classroom.

I prayed it wasn't me and squinted my eyes shut. I was the only person sitting by myself so I don't think my prayer would work.

"felix, over at the back" she smiled at hyunjin and he came walking in my direction.

"what no-"

"okay we can get started with the lesson now" she cut my sentence off again.

he sat down besides me, he glanced over at me
and smiled.

"my umbrella?" he asked looking at me.

that's the first thing he asks? really?

"is that really what you ask me first?" I answered while turning my head around to stare outside the window again.


I let out a sigh and reached into my backpack to find his stupid umbrella.

"here" I said as I handed him the umbrella and shut my bag.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat