Chapter 29 : Curse

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Chapter 29 : Curse

* Trigger Warning — Rape is briefly mentioned as well as some mother-daughter conflict *

After I finally made my way home from Deion's house I found myself feeling lifeless.

It made sense, we'd literally fucked the shit out of each other, but still I desperately needed rest.

I decided I'd do a full self-care day with as minimal social interaction as possible.

This was officially my last weekend to relax before going back to the office, I needed to sleep.

Our launch of Spitfire had been highly successful which was great, but it also meant we would be much busier with managing everything.

Stepping into the shower I removed the extension ponytail from my natural hair and tossed it into my bathrooms's garbage can.

I let the warm water run down my face, using my hands I started to completely submerge my natural hair into the water before applying my favorite Cantù shampoo.

After thoroughly washing my hair and the rest of my full body I turned the water off and climbed out.

When I was done drying myself off I threw on a comfortable, silk, red house dress and applied small amounts of dove deodorant, champagne fragranced lotion and matching scented perfume.

Feeling more refreshed than ever I decided to use a different towel to dry my hair as much as I could, the remainder of drying I'd let the air do.

Instead of staying pinned up in my room all day I chose to camp out in the living room on my couch. I needed to get a new one soon, but it was comfortable so I wasn't in a rush.

I was still searching for a new place, so I didn't want to bring new furniture into this apartment knowing I wouldn't be here much longer.

Place hunting had been put on the back burner for awhile but now I'd have to hunt deeper, very soon.

That wasn't something I'd stress about today, I'd made a promise to myself that this was a lazy self-care day and so that's what it would be.

I turned my AC temperature down to 68 degrees, grabbed some snacks from my pantry and threw my favorite plush fluffy brown blanket over myself as I plopped on the couch and opened the Netflix app on my tv.

I started a show named Wentworth from the first episode ever and was immediately hooked.

My phone had been left on my nightstand inside of my room so I was entirely uninterrupted.

Munching on a crunchy Cheeto with my face glued to the television I suddenly heard an unfamiliar knock at my door, I frowned up my face as I quickly made my way to the peephole.

Knock knock knock knock!

Looking through the peephole I stared back at the person standing at my front door, someone I'd hoped I wouldn't have to see for a very long time.

My mother.

I rolled my eyes and huffed as I slowly opened the door.

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