Chapter 16 : Recognize

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Chapter 16 : Recognize

The next morning I woke up with a hangover that felt like hell.

I groaned as I rolled over rubbing my eyes to gain some sort of consciousness.

I looked around and realized Skye was nowhere to be found.

I got up and walked towards her guest bathroom and seen she had left me a sticky note that read "Sneaky link called me and you were knocked out cold, be back tomorrow evening call me!"

I giggled and tossed the sticky note into the trash can.

After I finished what felt like the longest pee ever I swished some mouthwash around in my mouth, washed my face and walked back out to the living room.

I plopped back down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

When I opened it I had 15 missed text messages.

Sheesh. I was popular.

The first thread I opened up was the least risky, Skye's.

"Girl I got the best dick ever last night, I don't wanna claim him by his name yet so let's just call him amscot man!"

I started crying laughing reading her message. This girl was so unpredictable I swear.

I texted her back telling her I was glad she'd had fun & let her know I'd be leaving her place soon.

I opened up Marcus's thread next.

He was telling me to contact him when I woke up so he could come get me. He had apologized for accusing me of being with someone else in previous messages but I still was annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed out loud as I dialed his number.

"Good morning beautiful," he answered from the other line.

"Morning. Are you ready to come get me?," I asked.

"Yeah send me her complex again I'll be on my way."

I sent the location to him as I stayed on the phone.

Normally I would've just hung up and waited for him to show up but I was trying to avoid opening up the messages I'd received from Deion.

"I'm gonna stay on the phone while you come here if that's cool, I'm by myself."

"Yeah that's cool. So what's up you hungover you need anything?," he asked.

"Surprisingly I'm good I just want some food."

"I got you. Feel like I ain't seen you in forever and you my girl that's crazy."

"I just be—"

"Busy. Yeah I know Nae," he replied quickly.


After about 10 more minutes of talking about pretty much nothing he told me he was outside.

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