Chapter 10 : Save Me

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Chapter 10 : Save Me

35 minutes after leaving Marcus's place I arrived at the pinned location Deion had sent me.

Looking around I quickly realized I was in the middle of nowhere.

I slowed my car down and turned on my bright headlights so that I could see the pathway I was driving down.

I squinted further ahead of where I was driving and noticed a male figure walking in the opposite direction.

Based on the body build and figure I knew it was Deion.

Quickly placing my vehicle in park and turning it off I hopped out of the car closing the door behind me as I headed towards him.

The air outside had gotten heavy and I could feel water droplets beginning to fall out of the sky.

Strong winds gusted heavily against my cheeks causing me to shiver but I continued quickly walking as fast as I could.

"Deion!," I yelled out.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face my direction.

My car headlights were still brightened and flashed on towards him so I could clearly see his face which looked slightly confused.

"Naomi?," he asked, squinting to see me clearly.

"Yes. I'm here," I calmly replied, walking up to him.

He stumbled towards me as I quickly reached out and grabbed him so that he wouldn't tumble to the ground.

I hadn't known him very long but he didn't seem like the type of person who would get this drunk, something had to be bothering him.

Rainfall begun pouring down out of the dark sky and water quickly began to form pretty deep sized puddles all around us on the ground.

"We have to get in the car, it's raining too hard."

"You didn't need to come out here in this storm for me. I can handle myself just fine," he slurred.

"I don't care what you say right now we're getting inside the car it's not safe to be out here," I yelled back at him.

I carried him as much as I could as we moved backwards towards the vehicle.

I quickly helped him into the passenger side of the car, once he was in I slammed the door and ran to the opposite side to climb into my driver's seat.

The excessive rainfall came down so hard that it appeared to be a sheet of water completely covering the whole vehicle.

There was no way I could drive with the water pouring down so heavy so I decided to slowly move the vehicle to the side of the road & turn it off.

We were just going to have to sit here until it slacked up enough for me to have at least some sort of vision.

"It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring," Deion chuckled.

His eyes were squinted so low to the point it looked like he was nearly asleep.

This man was literally drunk as hell.

Not Your Average Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora