Chapter 12 : Tigress Part 1

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Chapter 12 : Tigress Part 1

** Long Chapter Ahead, ENJOY!! **

The remainder of the work week surprisingly flew by pretty fast.

It was now Friday afternoon and I was a few minutes away from leaving my job building.

Deion remained at home continuing to take personal time to himself this week, but I still had kept him in the loop with everything and sent him over all of the projects I'd worked on.

He was constantly trying to contact me outside of the office through my personal phone but I found myself continuously rejecting him.

I definitely had some sort of feelings for Deion, I just hadn't figured out what kind they were or what they meant yet. I didn't have time to figure all of that out right now.

"Chica! Come to this lounge with me tonight?," Isabel asked.

She was giving me a pouty baby face which was making me actually feel bad for trying to say no.

I giggled looking at the expression she was making.

"What kind of lounge?," I questioned.

I started to power off my work devices and made sure I had my keys and phone before heading out the door.

She followed close behind me as she continued to tell me about this place she wanted me to accompany her to.

"It's an upscale lounge. Definitely classy but sexy and fun as well. I've gone before with a couple of friends but me and you need to hang outside of work, pleaseeeee," she begged.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Fine. I'll come."

She squealed, "Yaayyyy! Okay good, send me your address and I'll have the Uber pick you up on the way."

"Oh lord. I can drive myself Izzy."

Isabel had such a cute personality that the nickname Izzy just fit her.

I had called her it on accident a week or so ago and she ended up loving it, so it was stuck now.

"Absolutely not. We've been working hard, especially you with Mr.Rivers being gone all week. We are getting fucked up!"

I laughed and tilted my head to the side, she had a good point.

"Fine. I'll send it to you right now."

I pulled my phone out and quickly texted her my address.

When she confirmed she got it we walked away in different directions towards our cars.

I agreed to be ready to go by 9pm so I had a little over 4 hours to get back to my apartment and figure everything out.

I hopped in the drivers' seat of my car, turned over the engine and quickly backed out of the garage heading home.

When I got to my apartment I immediately flopped down on my couch and propped my feet up.

It had been a quick week but it was still kind of long so I was just glad I'd be off for the next couple of days.

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