Chapter 18 : Where do we go from here? Pt 2

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Chapter 18 : Where do we go from here? Pt 2

Still Deion's POV


Hearing Naomi moan my name just from me kissing her told me everything I needed to know, I had weakened her.

She was strong, confident, bold and knew exactly what she wanted at all times, but every strong woman could be softened up by the right kind of man.

I gently pulled my lips away as I smiled at her and licked my lips.

"How drunk or tipsy are you?"

I stared at her as I kindly waited for what I was hoping was a quick response.

"I'm just a little tipsy but I'm good," she responded.

I believed her. I'd seen her when she was very drunk and though I know she wouldn't do anything she was uncomfortable with regardless I liked getting a verbal confirmation.

"Do I have your consent?," I asked, standing up from the stool.


"To satisfy you."

I watched as her eyes slightly widened, I could tell I'd shocked her.

She stammered a bit as she got down from her stool and looked up at me.

Her eyes begged me to please her but I needed to hear her.

In a soft voice she responded, "Yes."

I didn't know my way around her apartment whatsoever so suddenly I felt somewhat lost, but in that moment I decided I'd just do the unexpected.

I turned back to face her, bent down and firmly scooped her up into my arms.

"Oh my gosh you can pick me up!," she squealed.

I chuckled as I looked into her eyes and noticed the excitement she was feeling.

"You're not heavy, plus I lift weights 6 times a week."

She stuck out her bottom lip giving the expression of her being impressed.

As I held her tightly in my arms with my hands strongly cupped to each of her ass cheeks I gently placed her above my shoulders and laid her on top of the breakfast bar counter.

I felt her body tense up as she laid back.

"You good?," I asked.

"I'm great," she giggled.

Her giggle made me smile, I could tell she was nervous but playing it off.

I gently stroked my hand up and down her thigh to get her comfortable with my touch, with each movement I felt her body slowly loosen up.

Each time my skin met her skin it was like a spark of electricity that crawled through.

"So there's some rules you gotta abide by with this, okay?," I asked.

"Rules? Seriously?," she asked, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yes. Rules. Something I can tell you don't like very much, but that's gonna change."

"Oop. Okay."

When she tilted her head back I positioned my head in between her thighs.

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