A Familiar Face

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April 03, 2023 8:43am

You taught me so many things that I will forever be grateful for. You talk me how to walk like everyone else; how to talk like everyone else. You taught me how to blend in. You taught me that being different wasn't wrong, but that others perceived it as wrong. That nothing is permanent, including good memories and people, but it also extends to things like heartbreak and loneliness. You held my hand through the good and the bad and you were never afraid to speak your mind. You always worked your hardest and pushed yourself to be better, sometimes to a fault. Your love for others inspired me to be better. It inspired me to keep putting myself out there even when I didn't want to. You have impacted my life in ways that you will never understand, or unfortunately know, but I appreciate you and everything that you've done for me.

Maybe in another life we will meet again.

All the best,

A Familiar Face

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