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September 15, 2023 11:29pm - September 16, 2023 12:48am

It never goes away. That sinking feeling.

There's silent ghosts in each of us. Watching. Waiting. Lurking nearby in the shadows. Hoping for a moment, any moment to remind us that they exist.

Constant, prying eyes judging you. Hiding behind secret phrases, songs, déjà-vu, even, that only you can decipher.

They whisper secrets in your ears, in your heart, that erratically dance their way through your body, leaving marks behind. Little pin pricks visible on the outside.

Goosebumps; that's what we call them. No one notices the internal pain they cause. How deep these internal needles must be in order to pierce through your skin, through your bones, and just barely fall short of reaching the outside.

The thing about ghosts though, is that you can't see them. They aren't visible to the naked eye. It makes them impossible to spot. You're forever blind to their attacks, and they never stick around long enough to see the aftermath of their afflictions.

They leave just as quickly as they came, but they leave behind these marks. These calling cards. This sinking feeling.

And that feeling? It never goes away.

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