Excalibur: Set In Stone

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January 22, 2024

They put us in boxes. Society, I mean. They have us neatly packed into these tiny boxes before we're even born. Their father's a plumber. Their mom's a lawyer. Their friends are juvenile delinquents.

They push so much responsibility on you before you can even take your first steps. I mean, first society, and then your parents. In a way, it's not their fault. It a fault in the system. The way it was designed; the things it was designed to do, to create.

To destroy.

It's how they were raised. They weren't given any alternative solutions and it wasn't socially acceptable to go looking for their own alternatives. It still isn't.

From the moment we are born to the moment we leave our parents' houses, we are programmed to think exactly like them. To like the same things, to act the same way. To think the same way as they do. Sometimes, to more extremes, and other times, it's more subtle, but either way that is up to 18 years of our own lives governed by outside sources.

Most of who we are now is decided by those surrounding us as we grew up. That, and the idea that we don't control any of it. The idea that we cannot control or induce change in our lives as we grow and develop—because we are, growing and developing—I think that's why I turned out the way I did at first.

I was taught many things growing up—and believe me I was taught—but not a single person I had ever met taught me that I was capable of deciding who I want to be

I thought it was something decided for you because for me, it always had been. Decided. Planned.

S e t   i n   s t o n e .

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