It Is Hard To Live In A World

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April 2023

It is hard, I find, to live in a world where everything around you—where everything you do, feel, experience, etc.—is predominantly tailored to the neurotypical. It is hard to live in a world where hardly anything makes sense to you, and you hardly make sense to the world; to live in a world where everyone speaks one language and you speak another. It is hard to live in a world where your views are viewed as wrong, improper or incorrect, or strange and unbelievable because even though what you said meant the exact same as what someone else had said, it was worded differently. You could understand and process what it meant to you, but others cannot, and as such, it was wrong. Most of all, it is hard to live in a world that doesn't understand these things. A world that doesn't comprehend the fact that you think and perceive things differently, that such things should be taken into consideration. That perhaps they should tailor to you. But for whatever reason, they never do.

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