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After crashing the ship on Titan, and meeting a group called the guardians of the galaxy, Stephen did something, he was never meant to, break the rules, and use the stone to look into the future. He had to know, if there was a chance of them winning at all. He had to know, if Thea survived it.

He left Stark to come up with a plan, as he sat, searching for any possible chance, but all he saw, was each future, resulting in her death. For them to win, she had to die. He didn't stop, racing through every possibility, until he saw one. One chance, one shot where she lived, and they won.

Seeing how it would happen, his heart broke for her, knowing she had to live without him. He could hear his name being called, and he pulled back to the present, gasping, as Stark caught him.

'You're back, you're alright..'.. Stark tells him, as he crouches down in front of him.

'What was that?..'... The kid asked him, looking scared.

'I went forward in time, to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict..'... He wasn't going to tell Stark, he knew the man would give up everything to save his sister.

'How many did you see?..'.. The leader of the guardians, Quill asked.

'14,000,605..'.. He looks to Stark, hating that he was lying.

'How many did we win?..'.. Stark sighs.

'One..'.. One chance, of saving her, along with the universe, and it was the one he chose. Giving up the time stone to Thanos, letting him snap, it was the only shot he had, of her living and winning.

He had seen his future, saw that she wasn't at the final battle, but Stark had assured him, she was alive and safe. He didn't see past the battle, didn't see past the sacrifice that was made, but knew that she was alive.


Thea pushed back up to sit, and look around the tomb, seeing the torches still burning. She felt different, and the magic, the power running through her was addictive. Bringing her hands up to see, the tips of her fingers were blackened from the darkhold. She was sure that it had helped her to see where Strange was, in fact, she used the bond they had, to see everything from his point of view, without him knowing.

She felt a swirl of many emotions, but she pulled them into check. She had seen every possible future, just like him, she knew what he was going to do. Floating up to her feet, she altered her clothing, to best fit her new power.

All she could think about, was the fact he was going to give up the stone, sacrificing her family, leave her for 5 years, and expect her to welcome him back. Oh, no, that was not happening. She was angry at him, for wanting to allow her to suffer the loss of her family, just so she could live.

It was clear the best option was for her to die, before Thanos snapped half of the universe away, she kills him, suffering a fatal wound in the process, but her life for the universe? There was no contest.

Conjuring a mirror to see her reflection, she admired her new look. Once he saw her, she knew he would be afraid. Smiling to herself, she waved her hand, placing the book and pages back in the box, locking it with her magic, and leaving it in the tomb with everything else.

She could not leave, not yet. Moving to the mirror, she placed her fingers to it, and it rippled, showing her of wht was happening on Titan. She touched it again, seeing the others in Wakanda take a stance, ready to fight Thanos army.

She had to wait, until the last moment. Thanos did not know about her, or the power she now wielded. Switching between both worlds, she watched her family fight for their lives.


Tony grunted in pain, his breath caught as Thanos stabbed him with his own blade, pushing him back. This was it, he was going to die. He had failed in protecting his family, his world.

'You have my respect Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you..'.. Thanos stood back, rasing the gauntlet towards him.

'Stop!..'... Tony rolled his head, seeing Strange to his left.. 'Spare his life, and I will give you the stone..'

'No tricks..'.. Thanos says, and Strange shakes his head, panting. Tony coughs up more blood, telling him not to, he couldn't understand why they fought so hard, only for him to give up now.

Stephen plucks the stone from the sky, holding it out to Thanos. He knew she would never forgive him for this, but at least she would be alive to hate him. He floats it over to Thanos, watching as he places it in the gauntlet. Quill flies in, shooting at Thanos, but he just disappears in a blue smoke cloud.

'Where is he?!..'.. Quill shouts as he rolls to his feet, looking around.

Tony used liquid bandages for his wound, sealing it up, hoping it would help... 'Did we just lose?..'.. Quill asked him, and Tony couldn't answer, he had no idea.

He looks back over to Strange, hoping for an answer... 'Why would you do that?..'

Tony saw the look of pain on Stranges face, and the fear... 'We're in the endgame now..'


Thea shook her head in disappointment, at what he just did. Shifting the mirror to the battle in Wakanda, she watches as Thor destroys the ships with his new weapon. She was impressed, considering he just lost his whole world, and his brother, he did not waiver in his mission. Flicking to each of the others to check on them, she sees Vision injured, wincing in pain, hearing his words, and seeing Thanos arrive.

Thea hated she had to let this play out to the last second, but it was no matter, she wouldn't lose her family. This was just a small step for now.

Portalling from Egypt to Wakanda, she remained in the mirror dimension, watching as they all fought Thanos, trying to stop him from getting to Vision. Watching her family get thrown about, buried by the power he had, she took her blade in hand, extending it to a sword.

He reversed what Wanda did to Vision, bringing him back only to rip the stone from his head. Thea took a deep breath, reminding herself it was only temporary. Once he had the stone, and placed it in the gauntlet, she moved closer, ready to step out of the dimension.

Lightening rained down on him, follwed by Thors new weapon, it buried itself into Thanos chest. Thea smiled as Thor dropped down from the sky, cupping the titans head and pressing the axe in deeper... 'I told you, you'd die for that..'.. Thor pressed it again, causing Thanos to scream in pain.

'You should have..'.. Thanos panted weakly... 'You should have gone for the head..'.. He raised his gauntlet hand to snap, and screamed again in pain as it was severed from his body, dropping to the ground.

Thor stumbled back, as the tip of a blade sliced through Thanos neck, the head rolled away, and the body thumped to the ground at his feet, the axe bursting through the body and the weight. Looking up, he saw a woman, all in black, her hair, and lips the same colour, her sword dripping with blood as she looked at him. It took him a moment to recognise her... 'Lady Thea?..'

He saw her face was blank of emotions, and she was different. It was as though the air crackled around her. This was not the Thea they knew, this was something different, darker.


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