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After portalling to Everest and screaming her frustration and anger out, Thea had gone to the compound. Stepping through the portal, she shrugged off the snow, seeing the bewildered looks on faces. Rolling her eyes, she flopped in a chair at the dining table, and slammed her head down, making dishes rattle.

'Whats up with you?..'.. She huffed out a breath and sat up, slumping in her seat and finishing her coffee, looking over at Tony.

'I live with the worlds biggest asshole..'.. She frowned over at Bucky in the kitchen..  'Tell me you made the coffee..'

'Yeah, and thankful I did, seeing you pissed off already..'.. He walks over with a steaming cup for her, and placing it down... 'Everything ok?..'.. He asked, sitting across from her.

'Just need to let out some frustration,. Seems screaming for the last five minutes on top of Everest didn't really work..'.. She cradled the cup... 'Train with me?..'

'I feel like this is not going to end well for me, but if it helps, fine. Just don't break any bones..'.. He have her a little smile, trying to tease her.

'So, can we talk about last night or..?..'.. Sam asked, and she shot him a glare... 'I'll take that as a no..'

'I don't want to talk about last night, or about Josh or him, got it? I don't want any comments, whispers or innuendos thrown at me, or hear them. One little thing, and I'm gone til next weekend, alright?..'.. She hissed out, looking around at everyone.

'We got it, but ease up Thea, we're not the ones you're pissed off at..'.. Tony gives her a look, and she instantly felt bad.

'I'm sorry, you're right..'.. She rubbed her forehead... 'Tired, irritable and yeah, pissed off, doesn't mean I should snap at all of you..'

'Have you eaten?..'.. Thea looks over to Pepper, and smiles.

'No I haven't, didn't really want to stick around..'.. Thea pushed back her seat, and Pepper got up.

'No, you stay there, I'll get it. Still pancakes and bacon?..'.. Pepper headed to the kitchen area to plate up.

'Yes please, thanks Pep..'.. She dropped her head into her hands and took a deep breath, before looking back up... 'So, game day?..'


Thea burst out laughing, seeing Sam pout at losing. All his chips were gone, and ut was only her, Tony, Bucky and Maria still in the poker match.

The others were all spread out around the room playing different games. Thea pulled the pile to her, a proud smile on her face... 'Aw, don't be a sore loser Sammy boy, I just can't help I'm aweso-..'... Thea felt a shiver run through her, and her breathing hitched.

'T, you ok?..'.. Sam frowned at her, as he was halfway out of her seat. She looked like a deer in headlights. He looked around at the others, seeing the same concern on their faces.

Bucky looked over at her, hearing her heart rate pick up, and saw her hands starting to tremble... 'Thea?..'.. He went to reach out to take her hand and she sucked in a breath, shooting to her feet and stumbling back.

She knew he was there, she could feel him. Looking around, she knew he was astral projecting... 'Honestly can't leave me alone, can you?..'

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