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Thea hooks an arm around him, and helps him down the hallway... 'Hold on Strange, I got you, I got you..'.. Hearing footsteps behind them, she lowers him to the floor, and turns, ready to fight, and pulls the blade, taking a stance.

The zealot conjures a space blade, coming for her, when the cloak wraps around the man's head, pulling him about. In the struggle, Stranges sling ring slides over on the floor to him, and Thea spins, helping him up... 'You know, if you weren't injured, I'd find that funny..'.. She jerked her head to where the cloak was slamming the zealots head to the floor... 'Hold on to me, im going to get you some help..'

Stephen could bare speak, he could tell his injury was serious, as he watched Thea open a portal, and helped him through it. He couldn't help but lean on her, feeling his body weaken. He notices they were in a hospital and she starts calling out for Christine.

'Miss, sir can I help you?..'.. A doctor asked them.

'Dr Christine Palmer, where is she?..'.. Thea growled out at the woman.

'Uh, the nurses station..'.. The doctor says and Thea tightens her hold on him, making their way down the hallway.

'Christine! Christine we need your help, now!..'.. Thea shouts, and sees her friend come into view, and she stumbles with Strange.

'Thea? Stephen? On my god..'.. She rushes over to them, and takes Stephens other arm.

'We need to get him into an OR now. Just you. Please Christine..'.. Thea pants out... 'We don't have much time..'... Christine helps them through another door, and the two women get him onto the table.

'What happened?..'... Christine asks, as Thea rushes about, grabbing what they need.

'He was stabbed, cardiac tamponade. Open his robes..'.. Thea says, bringing the trolley closet.

'What are you wearing?..'.. Christine asked her, as she did as she was asked, and checks him.

'Can we talk about the fashion later, after we save him..'.. Thea rushes to the sink, washing her hands.

'Chest cavity is clear..'.. Christine grabs the monitors, pulling them close.

'No, the blood is in the pericardial sac..'.. Strange stutters out, and Thea moved back to his side, seeing him fall unconscious.

'Strange?..'.. She checked his pulse, and her heart almost stopped... 'No, no No. Strange? Strange come on, don't do this..'

The two women work together, to monitor him, and begin the procedure. Thea holds the large syringe, hesitating above his chest. She didn't want to mess this up.

'Just a little higher..'.. Christine screams, and falls back, making Thea look up, seeing him in his astral form... 'Please be careful with the needle..'

'I know what I'm doing, I just..'.. Thea shook her head... 'I don't want to screw this up..'

'I trust you..'.. He said, giving her a small smile.

'What am I seeing?..'... Christine takes a hesitant step forward.

'My astral body..'.. He tells her calmly.

'Are you dead?..'.. She asked, confused as to what was going on.

'No, but I am dying. I need you to help Thea..'.. Thea watches as he places his astral fingers into his body, making it easier for her to see. She places the needle into his chest, and begins to drawn the blood that pooled inside.

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