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They head back through the hallway, finding the body of a zealot on the floor, with the cloak hovering above... 'That is one good cloak..'.. She said, kneeling down to check the guys pulse, and finding none. Standing up, she sees Strange with a forlorn look, and reaches out, grabbing the cloak and throwing it around his shoulders.

Thea felt her body hum at his movements and shook her head, she didn't want to react to him the way her body was screaming at her to. They head up the stairs to the relic room, finding that Kaecillius had escaped.

'Thea! Strange!..'.. The two of them turn, and see Mordo walk in the room, stunned to see them there... 'You're ok..'

'A relative term but yeah, we're ok..'.. Stephen sighs, walking over. He stole a glance to Thea, seeing her stick to his side, defensively.

'The Amulet of Elements, and the blade of Karic. They suit you well Thea..'.. Mordo smiles at her, and turns to Strange... 'The cloak of levitation, it came to you..'

'No minor feat..'.. The ancient one joins them, and Thea goes into defense mode, keeping herself between Strange and them... 'Its a fickle thing..'

Stephen reached out, taking Theas arm, and pulling her back to his side... 'He escaped..'


'Yeah, he did..'... Thea glared across at the woman.

'He can fold space and matter at will..'.. Stephen says, looking between the two opposite them.

'He folds matter outside the mirror dimension, in the real world?..'... The ancient one asks them.

'Yeah he can. Was a lot of shits and giggles that..'.. Theas hand twitched, wanting to reach for her blade.

'How many more?..'..

'Two. Thea stranded one in the desert..'.. Stepehen walks around to the other two, keeping hold of Theas wrist. He didn't know why he was doing that, his hand felt as though there was a current pulsing through his fingers, where he touched her skin.

'And the other?..'..

'Body is in the hall..'.. Thea pulled her wrist from him. Her skin felt as though it was on fire, and her body had an familiar ache thst pissed her off.

'Master Drumm is in the foyer..'.. Stephen sighed, when she pulled away from him.

'Hes been taken back to Kamar-Taj..'.. Mordo tells them.

'The London sanctum has fallen. Only New York and Hong Kong remain now to shield us from the dark dimension..'.. The ancient informs them both, and Thea watches Strange as he stops pacing... 'You both defended the New York sanctum from attack. With its master gone, it needs another. Master Stark, and Master Strange. Together, you are powerful..'

'No..'.. Thea shook her head... 'I told you, its not happening. Im going back to my life'.. She stepped closer to the woman.

Stephen felt the weight of Theas words, he could understand wanting to go back to their old lives, and with what Kaecillius had told them, he didn't know what to believe... 'It is Dr Strange..'.. He turned to them, walking back... 'Not master Strange, not Mr Strange. Dr Strange. When I became a doctor, I swore an oath to do no harm, and I have just killed a man! Im not doing that again..'

Thea sucked in a breath, seeing the pain in Strange. She knew he would never intentionally kill someone, he was too good, too pure to do such a thing... 'I became a doctor to save lives, not take them..'.. She saw him glance at her, and she gave him a small nod.

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