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She growled in anger, severely pissed off that he had ruined her night, that the both of them did. She knew the media were going to have some fun with what just happened with Josh.

Landing on her bed, the portal closes above her and she kicked off her shoes, throwing herself off her bed. She marched to her door and yanked it open, storming down the hallways, shouting his name... 'Strange! Where are you? I'm going to fucking kill you myself!..'.. She headed towards the top of the stairs, and sees Wong coming from the library hallway, looking thoroughly confused.

'Thea? I thought you were away for the weekend?..'.. He asked, closing a book in his hands.

'I was. Until fuckface came and ruined my night..'.. She heard the familiar sounds of a portal, and looks down into the foyer, seeing him step through... 'You!.. She shouted, and jumped over the railing, and rushed down the steps, ready to swing for him.

Stephen caught her wrist as she swung, and locked her arm behind her back, while catching the other one... 'There's no need for that Thea. You may want to calm down..'

She threw her head back, hitting him in the face, and he let her go. She spun to face him, conjuring a whip, and wrapping it around his legs, pulling him to the floor.

Wong watched them, and he rolled his eyes, creating a portal and returning to the Hong-Kong sanctum. The two clearly needed to work on their issues.

Stephen pulled his tie, and flicked it out at her, it expanded to his cloak and it wrapped itself around her wrists, behind her back. He panted, catching his breath as she fought against it... 'Thea stop..'

She glared at him, but stopped struggling... 'I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself Strange! I don't need you or anyone else, fighting for me..'

'Is that what you're really angry about? Or are you angry, I put myself in harms way?..'... He saw her eyes flicker as she sucked in a breath... 'I know, you don't need saving. You've saved me enough times..'.. He sighed, and shook his head.

'Get the damn cloak off me now before I rip it to shreads..'.. She gritted out at him, her feet planted firmly on the floor as she glared at him.

'No. Were going to talk about this..'.. She scoffed at him and turned to walk back up the stairs, but the cloak held her back... 'Talk to me Thea, please..'

Thea closed her eyes. She didn't want to do this, not now, not ever. The past two weeks have felt like torture. She kept telling herself over and over that she didn't want him, she didn't feel that way about him, but the dreams had been happening every night, and her body was screaming for him. Shaking her head, she sighed, keeping her back to him.

'About what Strange? About the fact that my whole life is a complete lie?..'.. She turned to him... 'That another me, from another universe, has basically made me your bitch? Yeah, that's great for you. But it's not what I want. I thought my life was my own, that everything I went through, that I accomplished was real..'

She scoffed... 'I want nothing more, that to live my life how I WANT, not by someone else's rules, plans for me..'

'That's not what it is Thea..'... He threw his hands up... 'I've looked into it. That's not what it's about at all. We are bound yes, because as the ancient one said, a love like that is powerful, pure. In another universe, you loved me so much, you couldn't bear the thought of another you being without me. How am I meant to compare to that?..'.. He sighed defeatedly.

'You are not bound by fate, but fate is bound by you. In the universes where you don't exist, chaos wins. Wars never end, many lives are lost..'.. He saw her watching him... 'You alone, whether you have magic or not, are powerful, just as you are. You care so deeply for others, that you create waves in their lives. Those ripples, chaging their futures, in ways you can't even imagine..'

He stepped closer to her, that she had to look up at him... 'You saved me Thea. You are the reason I'm here now. If it wasn't for you, I don't know where I would be..'

'Let me go..'.. She looked down and he sighed, pulling on the cloak and it released her. She turned and headed up the stairs, not saying another word.

Stephen sighed, and the cloak wrapped around him, as though it was giving him a hug. He patted it awkwardly, and made his way to his office, needing a drink.


She burst into her room, slamming the door behind her and flopping onto her bed, screaming into a pillow. She was fed up of it all, wanted to be anywhere else but there. She sighed and rolled over onto her back, knowing that she could never leave him. How the hell could she trust that anything she felt, for anyone was real?

Did she really love her family? Was Tony her real brother, or had fate decided to give her one? Were her parents alive in the other universes? Shaking her head, she took a deep breath before getting up and getting changed out of her dress. She didn't know if anything was real, so what was the point in even trying.

Seeing Josh again, she felt nothing but disgust. And the other guys in the club, she felt no attraction to any of them like she thought she would. Sitting at her vanity, she picked up her wipes and began to remove her make up.

Was she meant to be alone for the rest of her life? Or be his bodyguard until one of them died? How was it fair, that he could move on, and she was stuck?

Thea sighed, she had seen Strange and Christine that morning in the hospital, after the ancient one died. She didn't need to hear them, she could see it was a private intimate moment. They way they were so close, and they kissed, it wasn't fair. He got to be happy, so why did she have to be miserable? Not even her toys were doing it for her any more, and she was getting to the point, she might as well just have her vagina sewn up.

Dropping her head to her vanity with a bang, she huffed out a breath. She needed a drink, lots and lots of drink. If she couldn't have sex any more, then at least she could still get drunk.

Getting up, and heading out of her room, she made her way down to her office, to her favourite stash of gin. She wouldn't need a glass, just the bottle, and maybe some ice cream.


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