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Thea was lost in her thoughts as she made her way down the main staircase, and turned right, heading down the hallway to her office. She didn't know what to think, or do. She kept reinforcing it, in her mind that she didn't want him, but her body was beginning to win the war on that one. Shaking her head, she heard her name being called, and she looked around, taking a few steps back, and saw his office door open.

He was stood, leaning against the front of his desk, and he had yet to get changed. She didn't answer him, but rushed to her own office, to grab a bottle of gin, or vodka, anything really that would render her unconscious, so she didn't have to deal with him.

'Back to avoiding me then?..'... She closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a breath, hearing his voice behind her as she grabbed the first bottle she saw.

'Not avoiding, just don't feel like talking..'.. She turned, and her grip tightened on the bottle, seeing him leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. She knew it was pointless, but she was hoping to pass out on top of one of her vibrators. She really needed to release tension.

'Thea..'.. He sighed, and she was glad he didn't look at her, otherwise he would've seen her shiver, hearing her name on his lips.

'No..'.. She headed for her door, mentally willing him to move, but he didn't. Instead he put an arm out and stood straight, blocking her way. She rolled her eyes and walked around to drop to into the seat at her desk, opening the bottle and began to drink.

The awful taste of bourbon hit her and she coughed, spluttering and she set the bottle down on the desk, trying to catch her breath.

'Here..'.. A glass was placed in front of her, and the bottle taken away... 'If you're going to drink, at least do it right..'

'Like it matters..'.. She sighed, picking up the glass and necking it back, and putting the glass back down... 'What is it you want to talk about now Strange?..'

'You looked like you were having a good time tonight..'.. He sat in one of the chairs, in front of her desk, pulling her glass to him, so he could refill it, and then pushed it back... 'You and Natasha dance very well..'

Thea frowned in thought, staring at her glass... 'That was before you showed up..'... His chuckled made her look across at him, and she saw a mischievous look in his eyes.

'I was there, you just couldn't see me..'.. He leaned forward... 'But you could feel me Thea..'

She sucked in a breath.... 'Astral form?..'.. He nodded at her, as he sipped from his own glass.

'You seemed to enjoy that too..'.. He smirked at her.

'I had a lot to drink..'.. She scoffed.

'You didn't go home with Josh..'..

'Yeah, cause gonorrhoea is a disease I want..'.. She huffed sarcastically.

'What was that about anyway? You had him kneeling in front of everyone..'..

'You ask, yet you already know.  You were there, and I'm sure you heard the whole thing. Look, this isn't a conversation I want, I'd rather be left alone..'.. Thea ran a hand over her face.

'Fine..'.. She watched him stand up, snd she grabbed her glass, finishing it off in one. She headed to her door, and felt him grab her wrist. He pulled her to him, and spun, trapping her between him and the desk... 'Why do you deny it Thea?..'

Her mind went blank. She knew he was speaking, words coming out of his mouth, but she had no idea what he said... 'Even before you knew about it, you were there, at my side. Why did you fight to help me? To out yourself to the world, to come with me to Kamar-Taj? You protected me from the idiots that tried to rob us, stayed in Kamar-Taj even without knowing why..'

She didn't look up at him, she didn't want to... 'I want to leave..'

'What are you so afraid of Thea?..'..

'I am not afraid. I just want to go back to my room, and sleep..'.. She moved to her right to get around him, but he pulled her back, his hand sliding up her back and into her hair, making her look at him.

'Tell me..'.. Thea couldn't help it, but she looked up at him, and she lost the ability to speak. She had no idea why she fought to help him, or why she had stuck with him this whole time. She remembered back to when she had heard about his accident, and she instantly tracked his car down. She didn't even bother changing out of her dress, but had rushed straight to the hospital, while making arrangements at the compound to help him.

She remembered the fear she had, of him dying, that she was too late. She knew she would never have wanted anyone to know who she really was, so why did she instantly tell people? Why did she give up everything, for him?

'I-I don't know..'.. Her voice shaking with her body. She could feel his other hand slip around her waist, as he pressed closer. Looking into his eyes, she could see flecks of green and grey in them.

'You do Thea, you just won't admit it. What are you afraid of?..'... He asked her, feeling his breath on her cheek.

She didn't want this, she didn't want to be trapped. Josh had broken her trust, and she didn't want that again. Now that the world knew who she was, how could she trust that any relationship would be real, that someone could actually love her, for who she was as a person, and not for her name.

'Please, just let me go..'.. She felt overwhelmed. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug, before he stepped back, his hands dropping to his sides.

'I won't stop you from leaving..'.. He gestured to the door as he stepped aside... 'Its late, and you're going back home tomorrow..'.. He sighed.

Thea didn't move. She wanted to, she wanted to go back to her room, so why wasn't she moving? She looked down at her feet, willing them to move, to take a step even, but they stayed firmly in place. She needed to get some sleep, before going to the compound in the morning, and in her mind, she was screaming for her body to walk out the door.

But that word he said, 'home'. The compound wasn't her home, nor was her penthouse. She looked around her office, and her gaze stopped on him. No, home was right here, home was him.

Feeling her chest get tight, she stumbled, hearing her name before everything went black.


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