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Thea was surprised at how well Steve was handling the evening. He didn't let anyone crowd them, and had declined taking photos with people, stating that he was in attendance as Theas date, so his attention would be on her, and her alone.

She was enjoying herself, and when Steve had gone to take a call, she sat in her seat, smiling as she saw her colleagues enjoying themselves.

I'm surprised you can actually smile..'.. She took a deep breath, hearing his voice from her left. She didn't bother turning to look at him, as he sat himself down next to her... 'You scrub up well..'

'Is there anything that comes out of your mouth, that's not a backhanded compliment?..'... She picks up her drink, draining the last of it, then reached for Steve's.

'It wasn't intended to be backhanded, Johnson. I don't get why you dislike me so much..'.. Thea rolled her eyes, turning to face him.

'To dislike you, I'd actually have to give a shit about you in the first place, and I don't. I just don't understand why anyone, especially Christine to even be remotely interested in you. I mean, all you do is criticise, condescend, irritate, and just generally be an overall prick of a person..'.. She shrugged, turning back to watch people dancing, and he chuckled at her.

'What happened to your date? Did he have enough of your derogatory remarks about people?..'.. She heard the amusement in his voice and she stood up, ready to leave. Just as she took a few steps, she felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her onto the dance floor. Thea gritted her teeth, as he held onto one hand, the other around her waist.

'You really need to learn to relax Dr Johnson, all that tension you're holding onto, can cause an aneurysm..'.. He smirked down at her, as he swayed them to the music.

'You know Strange, with a name like yours, you really live up to it. What is your deal with me anyway? Why are you so set on putting me down, dismissing my diagnosis, and just treating me like shit all the time?..'.. She didn't look up at him, she hated seeing him so fucking smug.

'You think that's what I'm doing?..'.. His confusion made her look up, and she sighed.

'That's what it feels like. Out of every one of you, you're the worst, with Cunningham coming in second and Temple in third. Is it because I don't hold the relevant qualifications? Even without them, I'm still better than all of you combined. I've never been wrong, can you say the same?..'.. She raised an eyebrow at him.

'And you call me condescending. Arrogance doesn't suit you, you know..'.. He spun her out, and pulled her back in.

'Its a family trait, hereditary I'm afraid, can't help it..'.. He chuckled at her, shaking his head.

'If you weren't such a pain in the ass, you'd be more likeable..'.. He smirked at her.

'If I wasn't a pain in the ass, I'd actually give a fuck as to what people would think. But I don't.. '.. She shook her head, and scanned the crowd, seeing Steve off to the side, watching them. He discreetly tapped his ear, and nodded at them, indicating he could hear.

'I just wanted to let you know, to be careful..'.. Strange spoke quietly, and she frowned up at him.

'Why do you care?..'.. She asked, confused.

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