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A few days later, they arrived in Kathmandu. They had to take the long way round, to avoid her getting found. Thea had asked Tony to do her new passport, with the name Ruby Wallis. He had created an entire backs story, bank account, social security. He didn't bother asking, knowing she wouldn't tell him why, but he did know, that she needed to get way from everything.

Thea didn't know why she sticking with Strange. She never hated him, just how he treated her. When she was staying at his place, they had easily settled into a friendship, one she didn't think was possible.

She wouldn't say it out loud, but she was beginning to enjoy his company and that put her on edge. She thought back over the years, wondering why he couldn't have just been nice to her, instead of being a jackass. But deep down, she kind of missed it, the way he would push her.

The two of them walk through the dense city, asking people about Kamar-Taj, but they all declined knowing where it was. Thea wasn't giving up, not now, not ever.

'This feels useless..'.. He sighed, after they had spent all day asking around.

'No, we're not stopping Strange. We have to find this place..'.. Thea looks around at the people, making sure to stay close to him so he didn't wander off.

They come to a quieter place, walking through alleys, and see two men in front of them, staring as they came closer. Thea looked back, seeing another one behind them... 'Oh, this is fun..'.. She shrugs off her backpack, handing it to Strange.

'Ok, look guys, we don't have any money..'.. Strange says, as he looks around at them.

'Your watch..'.. One of the men says, and Thea snorts in derision.

'Not a fucking chance..'... She steps in front of Strange, putting herself between him and the man as she glares at him.

The man just smirks at her and reaches out to her face, when she punches him in the throat. She shoves Strange back, and kicks a second guy in the stomach, knocking him back a step.

The third and first man come at her and she fights the two of them as the second man comes around, knocking Strange to the ground and begins to kick him. She heard it, and turned, making a mistake as the other two men grab hold of her, keeping her back... 'Get the fuck off me!..'.. She growls out, trying to get herself free.

One of the men hits her in the stomach, knocking the wind from her, and she falls to the floor. The two men then join in, kicking Strange on the ground, and one rips the watch from him.

Thea struggles to take a breath, spots in her vision, when she sees a hooded figure come into view. The hooded person them begins to fight all three, so she pushes herself onto her hands and knees, making her way to Strange... 'I got you, I got you..'.. She rasps out, helping him to his feet.

The two of them stand, as the fight is over, and the hooded figure comes over, holding the watch, and hands it back... 'Thank you..'.. She pants out... 'For helping us..'

The hood comes down, and she nods at the man... 'You're looking for Kamar-Taj..'.. Strange nods at the man, as Thea takes his watch from him, putting it back on his wrist. It was broken, but she knew what it meant to him.

'We are, yes. Do you know where it is?..'.. She asked, turning to the man, and he walks past them both... 'I guess we follow..'.. She said, not realising that she took Stranges hand in hers, and they follow the man through the city and crowds. She reaches across, and takes her bag back from Strange, slinging it over her free shoulder.

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