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Steve was surprised by the call from Wong, on Theas phone, telling him what had happened. From Theas vision, to the attack in the city, to Tony and Strange disappearing on the ship. The creatures wanted the time stone that Strange had, and would possibly be going after the others.

Walking back into the compound, after rescuing Wanda and Vision from the attack on their little vacation, Steve sees Rhodey talking with the hologram of Secretary Ross, and he scoffed. He hated the man... 'Mr secretary..'

'You need to pull them together and deal with this..'.. Ross says to him.

'You need to back off..'.. Nat smirked.

'The world's on fire, and you think you can just sit back?..'.. Ross paces before them.

'We're not doing this, not with you. We're the Avengers, you need us, more than we need you..'.. Steve holds his ground with the man... 'Earth just lost its best defender, so we're here to fight, and if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too..'

Ross turns to Rhodey... 'You're in charge colonel..'.. Rhodey just nods, and swipes away the hologram.

'So Cap, what's the plan?..'... Rhodey asks, folding his arms.

Steve fills everyone in on what he knows. He couldn't help but wonder where Thea had gone, she would want to be there, helping. Her magic could win this battle alone.

'Where could she have gone?..'.. Bucky asked, frowning over at Steve... 'You know she would never leave Strange, or let him get taken..'

'I don't know. Wong said he would try a locator spell, but she wasn't there fighting. She went to lay down, and when he went back to check on her and tell her what happened, she wasn't there..'... Steve sighed.

'So, let's assume they're coming back..'.. Rhodey says, looking around.

'And they can find us..'.. Wanda takes a breath, still feeling a little shaky after the attack.

'We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?..'.. Bruce paces around.

'He retired, wanted to spend time with the family..'.. Nat tells him... 'We can call in Scott..'

'If he answers..'.. Steve shakes his head... 'You know he's loyal to Pym..'

Ok, so what we know is Thanos has the biggest army in the universe, and he's clearly not going to stop until he gets Visions stone..'.. Bruce ran a hand over his face.

'Then we have to protect it..'.. Sam folded his arms.

'No, we have to destroy it..'.. Vision speaks up, leaning against one of the glass walls... 'I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature, but also its composition..'.. He moves towards Wanda... 'I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps its molecular integrity could fail..'

'Yeah, and you with it..'.. Wanda shakes her head... 'We're not having this conversation..'

'Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it..'.. Vision takes her hands.

'That's too high a price..'.. Wanda swallowed back the lump in her throat, as Vis cupped her face.

'Only you have the power to pay it..'.. She steps away from him... 'Thanos threatens half the universe, one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him..'

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