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Stephen felt as though he had been run over. Every part of his body ached, and he opened his eyes, well, one eye, the other was swollen.

'Hey..'.. He rolls his head to the right, seeing Christine sitting at his side... 'Its ok, its going to be ok..'

He tries to move, but feels restriction in his hands. He begins to panic, as he looks over, seeing them hanging in cradles, pinned and scarred... 'What did they do?..'

'They rushed you in a chopper, but it took a little while to find you..'.. Christine sighs... 'Dr Johnson, Thea, she tracked your car and located you faster than the emergency services did. The golden hours for nerve damage went by, as she was arguing with the board, to let her take you to the Avengers compound, and you were in surgery with Nic..'

Stephen knew he was in shock. He didn't understand why Dr Johnson wanted to take him away to the Avengers, but if anyone could have had a chance in saving him, it would've been her... 'What did they do?..'

'11 stainless steel pins in the bones. Multiple torn ligaments, severe nerve damage in both hands. You were on the table for 11 hours..'.. Christine sighs, knowing how much this was breaking him.

'Look at these fixators..'.. His voice is shaky, looking at his hands.

'She wanted to do it, to save you. Said there was only one, better than her that could've done it..'.. Christine looks at him as he turns to her.

'Me. I could've done better..'.. He says quietly.

'That you could..'.. He turns his head, seeing Dr Johnson by the door... 'I tried Strange, I really did..'.. She sighed and nodded at Christine... 'Can you give us a minute? I'm sure there's a reporter or two that wants to talk with you..'

Christine gave her a small smile and nods, standing up... 'I'm not talking to any of them..'.. She gives Theas arm a squeeze... 'Thank you, for everything. I know not many have said it. If it wasn't for you, we'd all be out of a job..'

'No need to thank me, im still the same stubborn bitch you know..'.. Thea looked over to Strange, seeing the confusion in his face as Christine left the room... 'Guess.she hasn't told you yet..'

'Told me what?..'.. Strange watches as she takes the chair next to his bed, and puts her tablet down on the table.

'Who I really am. Press conference this morning and I outed myself last night. Came storming in here, insulted West and fired him..'.. She shrugged... 'I'm the silent board member who owns the majority of this hospital. Alethea Elizabeth Stark..'

'What?..'.. Stephen didn't know what to say. He thought back over their interactions, and sighed. She was basically his boss and he had insulted her, criticised and pissed her off. She could've pushed for him to be fired a long time ago... 'I'm so-..'

'Don't even say it Strange, just don't. Since this morning, everyone has been treating me differently. Don't you do it too, I don't think I could handle your ass kissing right now. Believe it or not, I actually miss your arrogance..'.. She gave him a small smile, and picked up the tablet... 'I fought hard to save you, but the board shut me out on it. I've already been going through all possible optio-..'

'Why? After the way I've treated you, everything that's happened, why are you trying to help me?..'.. She could see him frowning.

'Because I really respect you. You may be one of the biggest egotistical assholes on the planet, including my brother in that list, but you're the best neurosurgeon in the world. Second best doctor here though..'.. She smirked at him... 'This is my hospital, I want the best team here..'

Stephen watched as she went back to her tablet, flicking through things. He didn't know what to say except... 'Thank you..'

'Don't do that either..'.. She pointed at him without looking... 'I don't like it. Go back to being the asshole..'.. He chuckled and winced in pain, making her shoot to her feet... 'What? Do you need anything?..'

'Don't do that..'.. He saw her give him a questioning look... 'Don't be nice, go back to being the arrogant, pain in my ass you always are..'.. She grinned at him and folded her arms.

'Fine by me. Only thing different really, is everyone knows my real name, but it doesn't change who I am. I'm still the same bitch who punched you in the face..'.. She saw him laugh and wince again, and she reached over, hitting the call button for Sarah... 'Palmer and Wallis are in charge of you, so whatever you need, ask them. I'm going to go and do more research on what I can find to get you back into shape. No offence, you look like shit. Been in a car wreck lately?..'

Stephen fought against laughing as it hurt, when Dr Wallis came in to assist... 'Ok, no more laughing..'.. He winces out.

'Oh, you've definitely been in a wreck. Surprised you can smile, let alone laugh. How hard did you hit your head?..'.. Thea picked up her tablet, and smirked.

'Please, get out of here..'.. He groans out, turning his head, and watching her as she makes it to the door.

'Say it like you really want to..'.. She put her hand on her hip, grinning at him.

'Fuck off..'.. She cheered at him, and walked out laughing. Stephen rolled his head over, seeing Wallis fighting a smile... 'What?..'

'Its so weird, seeing you two play nice. Still can't believe she's a Stark. I lived with her for 4 years, and she never told me..'.. Sarah shook her head, checking his observations.

'Its really true?..'.. He asked as she took his blood pressure.

'Yeah. All this time, she's been funding us, and we didn't know. The board has been scrambling to get her licence back now that she went public, with the proof of who she is. She's been here, all night, working to find ways to help you, you know..'... Sarah put her stethoscope in, and listened to his chest.

'Remember Wheeler?..'.. She said, looping it back around her neck and he nodded... 'It was her. She paid his bills, everything. His mortgage, his wife's funeral costs, everything. Every one of us, when we've needed something in our personal lives, it's been her. And now she's set on helping you..'

She smiled at him, and walked to the door... 'I'll get you some pain relief, and get some food brought up to you. I'll be back in a few..'

Stephen was in shock. He remembered Wheeler was struggling after finding his wife had been a victim of bank robbery gone wrong. She was rushed to this hospital, and his colleague had broken down, knowing that she died within minutes of arriving. Johnson, she wasn't on shift, but she came straight away and comforted the man, assuring him, that she would take care of everything.

Wheeler had quit not long after, wanting to be there for his children. Last Stephen heard, Wheeler had moved to Seattle, to be closer to his family, and took a job at a hospital there.

Dr Johnson, Dr Stark, whatever she was going by, clearly was an exceptional person. Sighing to himself, he rested his head back, feeling completely exhausted from everything that had happened in the last hour.


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