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Wong walks around, explaining everything, about the purpose of the masters of mystic arts, the history and about the three sanctums. Wong and Mordo tell him about Dormammu and the dark dimension, and what it would mean for their world, should he ever cross to their dimension.

'I'm out. I came here to heal my hands. Not to fight in some mystical war..'... The three look up as they hear a bell toll.

'London..'.. Wong and the others turn, seeing the door to the London sanctum open, and the sanctum keeper runs though the doorway, but gets hit in the back, by a blade, killing him... 'Kaecillius..'

'No!..'.. Mordo shouts, and a blast gets sent through to the chamber they were in, destroying the London sanctum, and casuing destruction to where they stood.

Stephen felt himslef get knocked back off his feet, and through the doors of the New York one, and he gets up, stumbling as he turns, seeing that the doorway was now closed off, calling for Wong and Mordo. He hears coughing and spins back, seeing Thea on the ground, pulling a small shard of rubble from her arm.

'Where the hell did you come from?..'.. He rushed over, helping her up.

'Was coming to the library to swap some books, and heard you guys talking, then I saw what happened..'.. She brushed her hands off, and then saw the cuts on his face... 'Are you hurt badly?..'

He shook his head, and grabbed her arm, pulling her along as more rubble came down... 'We got to move..'.. The two of them follow the hallway, and come to a large foyer.

'Ok, I'd live here. It's gorgeous..'.. Thea lokked around the place, and Steange pulled her along again, to some large doors to the right. The two find themselves outside, and Thea gasps, tears prickling in her eyes as she recognised where they were... 'I'm home? This is New York, right? I'm not dreaming this?..'

'Yeah, its New York..'.. He tells her, and the two look up over the building.

'Bleecker Street? That's across town from my place..'.. Thea wanted nothing more than to run home right now, but something else was drawing her back to the building in front of them. She shakes her head, and the two go back inside.

The two of them call out, as they search the place, trying to find anyone who could help them. They come across a room, and Thea couldn't help but a small laugh escapes her... 'I know this. The rotunda of gateways. Each sanctum has one..'

They walk up to the gateways, and Thea switches one from a forest, to a blossom field... 'We have to keep looking..'... She glanced over to him and he nodded, the walking through more hallways, and up stairs. Looking around, she noticed they were in the all of relics. She touched cases as they passed, muttering the names of each one.

'The cloak of levitation..'.. She called to Strange, seeing him hesitate in front of it. They turn, lookng for anyone, or anything that could give them answers. Hearing some rumbling, the two head back down the stairs, towards the foyer.

Stephen grabs her arm and pulls her close, hiding around the corner as he watches someone take stance as Kaecillius comes through the front door with his zealots.

He couldn't quite hear what was being said, but kept a hold of Thea, as she leaned across him to see what was going on... 'We have to help..'... She whispered and went to pull from his grip.

The man downstairs begins to fight the others, and Thea wrentched herself from his grip, just as Kaecillius stabbed the man with his air blade... 'Stop!..'.. She shouted, jumping the railing, and landing at the top of the stairs, Strange following her a second later.

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