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More weeks pass, and Stephen can't help but wonder why it was always dismissed, when he asked as to why Thea was there. It was clear she didn't want to be training, but did it anyway, for his sake.

He had began to watch her more. Seeing her eyes light up when she would speak with her friends and family. Hearing her laugh, with everyone. He noticed a few of the male students would come and sit with them, talking to her more than him, but she was always pulling him into the conversations.

The two of them had read many of the books, and he noticed she took an interest in botany and their healing properties. He had seen her take clippings of the flowers, plants and trees, around Kamar-Taj, especially the roses in the greenhouses. He wondered if they were her favourite.

Last night, he had accomplished a personal feat for himself. He had trimmed his hair, and shaved. That he could do it, even with the tremors he still had, he was proud of himself, and couldn't wait to show Thea.

Heading into the library, to drop the books back to Wong, he hadn't seen her at all... 'Stephen..'

'Wong..'.. Strange gives a little nod as Wong stands from his desk.

'What do you want, Strange?..'..

'Books on astral projection..'.. He glances off to the right, to see if she was there.

'You're not ready for that..'.. Wong peers at him.

'Try me, Beyoncé..'.. Wong just gives him a blank look, and Stephen sighs... 'Oh come on. You've heard of her. She's a huge star, right?..'.. Wong still doesn't show anything in his face... 'Do you ever laugh? Oh come on, just give me the book..'.. Stephen huffed.

'No..'.. Wong tells him firmly.

'Fine. Is she here?..'... Stephen asks him, placing the other book down to return it.

'Eariler. Took Greystokes encyclopedia of remedies and potions..'.. Wong took the book off the table, placing it on the side... 'Perhaps the gardens..'.. When he looked back up, Strange was gone, and he shook his head... 'Blind as man in the desert..'


Stephen finds her, sitting against one of the flower beds, and he stops, when he realises that she was singing, while reading a book.

He leans against a column, folding his arms as he listens to her. He couldn't help but chuckle at the song choice, but wanted to wait until she finished. Her voice was beautiful and melodic.

'Images of rapture
Creep into me slowly
As you're going to my head
And my heart beats faster
When you take me over
Time and time and time again

But it's just a sweet sweet fantasy baby
When I close my eyes
You come and you take me
It's so deep in my daydreams
But it's just a sweet, sweet fantasy baby..'

He saw her head come up and whip round, and her eyes widened at seeing him there. She pulled out her earphones, her mouth open in shock... 'Uh, wow. Little make over huh?..'.. She put her things down and came over to him, tilting his chin either side... 'You do this yourself?..'

'Yeah, last night. Though I needed to shave the pubes off my face..'.. He laughed, throwing her words back at her.

'I'm proud of you. It looks really good..'.. Stephen watched as she stepped back, looking him up and down... 'Not going to lie, you look really good. I need a picture to show Christine..'.. She moved back to her things to get her phone... 'Need to show the woman the new you..'.. She snapped a picture of him, and grinned as she typed on her phone.

'So you took a photo, for Christine?..'... He asked, watching her type away.

'Of course. Told you, you two are my number 10. I've kept in touch with her, and she's asked about you..'.. Thea looked up at him... 'You need to talk to her Strange. You two still have feelings for each other. You can work this out..'

Stephen sighed, and took her phone from her... 'She will move on, and I'm not going to get in the way of that. Besides, I don't know how long we'll be here for, so just let it go..'

He saw her purse her lips and fold her arms at him... 'Fine, but when we're done here, I'm setting you up..'... She snapped her fingers at him, and gestured for her phone back, which he returned.

'I didn't know you could sing..'.. He said as she slipped her phone in her pocket, and moved to sit back down. He joined her, sitting next to her, leaning against the flower bed.

'There's a lot of things you don't know about me Strange, singing being one of them. I have my own little recording studio back home. I write a few songs, but mostly I do covers. It's just a hobby..'.. She picked up her book again, slipping a bookmark between the pages.

'What else can you do?..'... He was fascinated by her.

'Ah, that is a very dangerous question Strange..'.. Her eyes gleamed wickedly as she turned her head to him... 'It depends on what you are referring to..'

Stephen wanted to ask a few personal question, but kept it light, clearing his throat... 'Hobbies? Talents? Are you a secret avenger?..'

Thea laughed out loud, and the two sat for hours, talking over their interests, and sharing stories. It surprised her, how comfortable she really felt with him, and his whole knew look, made her realise just how deprived she felt, wishing she had one of her vibrators with her. Maybe she could portal home and get one sometime.


Thea stiffled a laugh, watching as Strange opened small portals in his room, picking out books from the library. She wished she could see it from the other end, Wong walking in on a hand appearing from nowhere.

'I can't do this if you're not going to be quiet..'.. Strange gives her a look, as she rolls back on his bed.

'Come on, you gotta admit, it must be funny..'.. She held her hands out, sniggering and he smiled, rolling his eyes at her.

'Hush woman..'.. She sat straight and place a finger to her smirking lips. He focused again, and retrieved the books he wanted. The two stayed up late, reading through the books.

After a few hours, he noticed she had fallen asleep on his bed, and he wondered if he should wake her up, or try to get her back to her own room.

Shutting the book in front of him, he stood from his desk and took the book she had, placing it with the others. The bed was big enough, and he changed his clothes, before getting in next to her. She was on top of the blankets, and he slipped under them, but not before flipping one over her, to keep her warm.

Sighing to himself, he settled down, and eventually fell asleep.


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