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The three stop at the top of the stairs, leading down to the foyer, seeing Kaecillius and the remaining zealots attempt to destroy the sanctum... 'We have to end this..'.. Mordo vaults over the rail, and Thea is right behind him. Just because she was angry, didn't mean she was going to let innocents die.

With Strange following over the rail, her and Mordo leap down the stairs, and Thea goes for one zealot, pulling her blade, extending it to a sword, while Mordo knocks down another.... 'Strange! Get down here and fight!..'... Mordo shouts, and she gets knocked down.

Kaecillius attempts to destroy the sanctum, but she realises the all get pulled to the mirror dimension. Rolling to her feet, she grinned proudly at Strange for doing it... 'The mirror dimension..'... He floats down the stairs, his voice echoing around them, and Thea shivered... 'You can't affect the real world in here. Who's laughing now? Asshole..'... Thea laughed, moving to stand in front of Kaecillius, her sword pointed at him.

'I am..'.. Kaecillius bends matter to his will, altering everything in the mirror dimension. Strange continues down, and he grabs her wrist, pulling her out the doors, to the street, with Mordo on their heels.

'Come on! I was ready for him!..'.. Thea huffed, feeling her sword retract back to a blade as they get outside.

'I've got his sling ring. They can't escape, right?..'... Strange holds it up and she shook her head.

'They draw power from the dark dimension Strange. I'm going to take that as a no..'... They see Kaecillius and the zealots coming out the doors.

'Run!..'... Mordo shouted, and Strange took her wrist, pulling her along.

They get to a crossing, and everything starts to shift... 'Their connection to the dark dimension makes them more powerful in the mirror dimension. They can't affect the real world, but they can still kill us. This wasn't cleverness, it was suicide!..'... Mordo says, looking around.

'Well I didn't see you coming up with any idea..'... Thea slapped them both on the arms, pointing. The two men turn, seeing Kaecillius and the zealots coming for them... 'Run again?..'... They take off, and Strange opened a portal ahead of them, but everything shifts again, causing them to fall sideways onto a bus.

'We got to keep moving, come on!..'.. Thea follows Strange and Mordo, as they leap, landing on the side of a building, and they run. Strange tries another portal but building ripples, then splits.... 'This is tripping me out!..'... She shouted, as they fall through the city, and she sees it folding in on itself.

They land on another building, and keep running. Thea was glad for all the training, she didn't think she could handle all this otherwise. They get to the edge and look out over the twisted and manipulated city in the dimension.

'This was a mistake..'.. Strange pants, looking over to her.

'No. You did what you thou-..'... The building throws them all off the edge, and they fall a few hundred feet, dropping onto different walkways.

Thea gets up, seeing Strange and Mordo getting chase in opposite directions by a zealot, and she hears feet drop behind, seeing Kaecillius coming at her. She ducks and weaves as everything moves, she didn't care about herself, she had to find Strange.

She keeps her blade in hand as she ran. She could see Mordo to her left, trying to get away, snd Strange to the right, before he fell through a gap... 'No!..'.. She dived over an edge, twisting her body to avoid getting hit by anything. As she lands, she sees Kaecillius grab Strange, and put him to the floor, gripping him by the throat... 'No!..'.. She screamed again, and launched herself at them, tackling Kaecillius off Strange.

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