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The next few days pass quite quickly for Thea. She spent her time at the compound, assisting Tony, Helen and Bruce in their labs, training with the others, in hand to hand as well as weapons, and pretty much, matchmaking.

She had been so excited for Bucky, knowing the date she helped him plan was just perfect. If things went right, this would be the start of his happy ever after. Thea really did love Sharon, if anyone could tame Bucky, it would be her.

Thea walked through the halls of the compound, getting into the hospital system with her tablet, to see what was going on. Sarah had called her, along with a few others, updating her on the situation. Manning was suspended, pending an investigation, but nothing was heard as to whether she was coming back.

She wondered if she should speak to the board herself, knowing that if they knew the truth, about everything, they would instantly reconsider. Thea wanted to prove herself, but hated the though that people would only listen if they knew her real name.

'Miss Thea, Mr Wilson has requested for your assistance. He is in his room..'..

'Thanks Friday, tell him I'm on my way..'.. Thea didn't take her eyes off her tablet, as she turned, heading back the way she came. She had done so much, behind the scenes at the hospital, to make sure it ran smoothly, and now it was all falling apart. Shaking her head, she looked where she was going and picked up her pace, heading for Sam's room.

Knocking his door, he pulled it open almost straight away... 'Uh, Buck said you're the best person to ask..'.. He jerked his head for her to enter and she did, him closing the door behind her.

'Ah, ok..'.. She smiled knowingly and sat in his desk chair... 'Maria is a constant here, and she's always on the go. So, you want to take her somewhere where she can relax, and for you to take control of the date...'

'How the hell did you ever know I was going to ask?..'.. Sam flopped onto the end of his bed.

'Cause I'm awesome. So, take Maria to this place..'.. Thea pulls it up in her tablet and hands it over to Sam... 'Its a great place and she will love it. Its got all the old arcade games, fairground rides, and also lazer tag. It's somewhere that she can have fun, and relax. She never really got to experience fun like this as a kid...'

She watched Sam flicked through it all and he was grinning... 'The food is great. Maria doesn't do the whole fine dining thing, so pizza, burgers, hotdogs. It's got all the foods she likes. Don't get her real flowers, she secretly hates that they die, so get her fake ones, that she can have in her office..'

'Why are you not making a career out of this?..'.. Sam asked as he looked up at her and she laughed.

'No thanks, I love being a doctor. Besides, I can see when people are suited for each other..'.. Thea shrugged... 'Can't see to find a guy for me though..'

'You'll find someone when you least expect it T..'.. Sam flicked through the website... 'How long do you get in this place?..'

'I can pull a few strings. Have it booked out, just for the two of you, so Maria won't feel on edge. You can have the whole place for the day if you wanted..'.. Thea sat back, crossing her legs.

'You really are awesome T, thanks for this..'.. He handed the tablet back.

'Anything for family..'.. She smiled at him as she took it... 'Just tell me when. After that date, its all on you, but this will score you some huge points..'.. She chuckled and stood up, heading for the door.

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