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Thea looked down at the book, knowing the chaos and destruction that came with it. She had never told Strange or Wong about it, she couldn't.

It had been almost a year and a half since her and Strange finally became a couple, and the two were strong together. They had exceeded Wongs expectations, becoming true masters of the mystic arts. Thea would spend most of the time in Kamar-Taj, training new students, while Strange over saw the sanctum, their home.

Though their relationship was damn near perfect, Thea knew this book, would tear them apart.

Since the visit of Thor at the sanctum, which Thea enjoyed tormenting Loki, locking him in a dimension for a while, while her and Strange spoke with Thor. But when her eyes met the god of mischief, something shifted in her, and her dreams were now nightmares.

Every night, she would see death, destruction and horror. A threat was coming, and she had to stop it. It was as though she was seeing what was happening to the other versions of her, and their outcomes. Thea didn't want that to happen to her world, and she wouldn't let it. If she didn't stop this, then she wouldn't just lose her family, she would lose him.

With a heavy sigh, she closed the box, and waved her hand, spelling it shut. It had taken her months to find it, but if what she dreamt about, was really coming, then she would do whatever it took, to protect her family, her world.

Portalling out of the mirror dimension, she was glad that she hid it, in a place no one would think to find it. Looking around her office, she smiled at the pictures dotted around, of her with Strange or with her friends and family.

Picking up her phone off her desk, she chuckled at the message from Pepper, complaining about him being a complete diva over the wedding plans, on their morning walk. Replying back, she giggled, knowing that her brother just wanted everything to be perfect for his and Peppers wedding.

'You're going to have to tell me where you keep disappearing to..'... She shivered, hearing his voice. Even after all this time, she still couldn't get enough of him. Putting her phone down, she looked over to him at the door, seeing him in casual clothing.

'Its a surprise, so no..'.. She walked over, reaching up on her toes to kiss him... 'You going somewhere?..'.. She gestured to his clothes.

'I'm hungry..'.. She looked past Strange, seeing Wong in the hallway.

'What? And your legs don't work?..'.. She stuck her tongue out at him, as she heads towards the stairs, the two of them following after her.

'Well, I don't money..'.. Wong shrugged.

'Seriously, you don't have any money?..'... Strange shook his head.

'Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual..'.. Wong tells them.

Thea scoffed, heading down the stairs... 'Really?.'.. She scrunched her nose up, feeling a headache coming on.

'I'll tell the gues at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye..'.. She heard Strange say, her head feeling heavy, stopping to the side, clutching the rail.

She could hear their voices drown out, by a loud raring noise in her head, and she dropped, falling down the stairs, her body convulsing.

Thea saw everything, that had happened to Thor and Loki. She heard a male voice in her head, telling her that Thanos was coming for the stones.

Stephen was shouting her name, trying to get her to focus. He didn't know what was going on, but her eyes had gone white, her body shaking in his arms. After a few mire seconds, she gasped hard, clutching for him in a panic.

'Thanos is coming. He's coming, for the stones..'.. She held onto him, and he could both see and hear the fear in her... 'Get Tony..'..


Tony leaned in, kissing Pepper, feeling happy, content. There would always be a need for Ironman, but after the dream he had last night, he took it as a sign, that it was time to really settle down.


He spun, seeing Strange walk out of a portal. He saw the look on the man's face, and he began to panic. It was clearly something to do with his sister.

'You need to come with me. Hi Pepper..'..

'You about to tell me you knocked up my sister or something, cause your face is saying it's bad..'.. Tony gestures to the man.

Stephen sighs, knowing this could be world ending... 'We need your help Tony, the fate of the universe is at stake..'

'But Thea is alright though?..'.. Tony asked, still panicking internally. Why couldn't whatever this was wait a few more years. Tony sees Thea rush out of the port, and throws herself at him, bursting into tears as she held onto him with a death grip.

Tony sent Pepper back with Happy, to get to safety, while he walked through the portal to the sanctum, sitting and listening to what the three were telling him. The pure fear that was in Thea, he knew he would fight, no matter what.

'Tell me his name again..'.. He asked, trying to keep his emotions in check.

'Thanos, he's a Titan. Thors friend, Heimdall sent me the message before he died. Loki fought against him, trying to kill him, but Thanos he..'.. Thea took a deep breath... 'He killed Loki, and the asgardians that remained. He had Thor wrapped up tight in metal. He's got the power and space stones, he's going to come for Strange and Vision..'

'Whats our timeline?..'.. Tony stood, pacing around.

'I-I don't know. He could come at any time now that he has the space stone. He can travel great distances with it. With two stones he's already one of the most powerful creatures in the universe. If he gets his hands on all six..'.. Thea ran a hand through her hair. Her mind was working over time, with a plan forming in her head. It was foolish, dangerous and definitely life threatening.

Tuning the others out, she paced back and forth, hoping that it would work, it had to. Why else would she be getting these nightmares? They were warnings for what was to come, and for her to change it.

'Guys, I'm not feeling too good, I'm sorry. I need to go lay down..'.. She sighed, turning to them, seeing them on alert for her. She held her hands up, reassuring them... 'Its just a headache, that's all. You guys talk it out, and come check on me in a bit..'.. She hugged Tony, Wong and then pulled Strange in for a kiss, much to Tony's disgust... 'I'm fine, I promise..'.. She smiled up at him.. 'Now, play nice, and come up with a plan to save the world..'

She nodded at them all and headed back upstairs, going straight for their room. Just as she got inside, she heard distant rumbling. Rushing to the windows, she looked out, seeing people running away in terror, screaming. Chaos was coming, and she knew what she had to do.

Creating a portal to Ra's tomb in Egypt, she shifted to the mirror dimension and opened the box, pulling out the book, and the spells she had found. This was probably the worst idea she ever had, but she wasn't going to let her world get destroyed.

Looking around the tomb, she conjured enough light, to start drawing the spells in the sand. She created small portals to grab the other things she needed, hoping this would work.

She knew that Strange would never forgive her, putting herself at risk, but she would sacrifice her life, if it meant saving her family.

Once she was done, she took the pages of spells, and the book into the center, and sat down. Taking a deep breath, she began casting, cutting her hand for the blood that was needed.


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