Chapter 25.1 - Conversations

Start from the beginning

"Hey, wait a second!" she said, huffing in indignation as she hurried in pursuit.

"Then don't be so slow!" he called back, waving a nonchalant hand in the air.

Just like Uncle Taner, she thought, rolling her eyes as she fell in stride with him. He hurried along, pointing at each corner and turn they had to take, before finally stopping and holding up a hand. "Here," he said, pointing to a flat door. "This is the lounge. I'll stay watch outside — you go ahead."

Please be in here, please be in here, please be in here, Ivy thought as she slid the door open.

Yes! Ivy grinned as she spotted the lightbulb—leaning against the couch where she left it. "It's still here!" she said, turning to Oak.

"Well, get it, and let's get out of here!" he hissed back.

Ivy nodded, darting into the room and grabbing the bulb. She hugged it close to herself as she slid the door shut and stepped into the hall. So far, so good! We just have to hide it now. Ivy thought.

"Are we still clear?" Oak asked, scanning his map again.

<<Kinda,>> Augaley slowly said.

Oak and Ivy exchanged a glance.

"Kinda?" Oak echoed. "What do you mean, 'kinda'?"

<<I don't think you can go the same path you came from... Marie is cleaning that area.>>

"Of course, it wouldn't be so easy," Oak muttered. "I was wondering why things were going so well."

Ivy looked around at the various doorways. It's kinda hard to believe that there are only two ways to the residence area from here... she thought. "There's a lot of halls, Oak," she said. "Can't we just go somewhere else?"

Oak shook his head. "The only other path out is past the room where Uncle Taner and Mr. Lightwell are."

"What about all of these doors?" Ivy said, waving at the series of identical, metal panels. "None of these rooms lead somewhere else?"

He paused, swiping through the map. "Some of them do, but not the ones right here. We would still have to go past either where Marie or Uncle Taner and Mr. Lightwell are, which defeats the whole purpose..."

<<If it helps,>> Syndria said, <<Uncle Taner just closed the door! You should be safe to sneak past.>>

Oak nodded. "Better than nothing. Let's get out of here," he whispered. "The quicker, the better."

After a few minutes of walking, Oak slowed. He motioned to a door ahead, staring significantly at Ivy. That must be where Uncle Taner and Mr. Lightwell are, Ivy thought, eyeing the inconspicuous door. I wonder...

"Oak?" Ivy whispered.


"Do you think we can try eavesdropping on what they're talking about? Maybe we can figure out what it is exactly that Mr. Lightwell wanted to do tomorrow."

He hesitated. "...Well..."

<<Yeah, why not?>> Kronalia joined in. <<You're not gonna get a chance like this again!>>

"Besides," Ivy added, "we never figured out what Uncle Taner wanted to test on the bulb. Pretty suspicious, considering he's supposed to be sending me back, not diagnosing my old-world tech..."

"I dunno..." Oak replied.

<<Come on, Oak!>> Syndria urged. <<We want to hear what they're talking about, too! You can just put your mic to the door so we can listen with you guys, can't you?>>

Carbon and Augaley nodded emphatically. Oak stared at the screen, then at Ivy. Ivy returned the stare with a resolute gaze. I need to hear what's going on in that room, she thought, her eyes darting between the door and Oak's face. Is Uncle Taner really trying to send me home, or is he planning something else?

Finally, Oak sighed, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "...Fine," he said. "But everyone is going to have to be dead silent. I might've set this call to private, but I don't know if Uncle Taner might be able to override the privacy."

Ivy nodded, pointing at her lips. You don't have to tell me twice! she thought with a grin.

Oak nodded, his eyes fixated on the smooth panel of the door. Cautiously, the kids edged towards the entrance. Oak waved a gloved hand, pointing at the bead on it, and placed it against the door. That must be the microphone, Ivy realized.

The two leaned their ear against the door.

Ivy and the Fluorescent LightbulbWhere stories live. Discover now