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Bob was bit.

I felt terrible for Sasha, they just got together. He made her happy.

Abraham wanted to leave, and I understood that. He and Rick argued. Conclusion; Abe, Rosita, Eugene, Glenn, Maggie and Tara are leaving at noon. I didn't want Glenn to go. Right now Glenn was my only best friend. Nothing against Carl, but he was a kid.


We negotiated a plan. Some of us stayed behind while others left to 'find them'. Then the group outside goes back in and kills the Termites.

I was going out. I wanted to. Carl, Michonne, Rosita, Tyreese, Bob Gabriel and the kids stayed behind.

As we walked out the woods I noticed something moving in the shadows. The plan was working. People walked into the church.

"Just wait a little more," Rick whispered.

I heard leaves rustling on my left. Probably just a rabbit or something.

A minute or so passed when Rick gave the signal. We slowly and quietly moved inside.

"That's your last chance, right now, to tell us you're coming out," Gareth said facing the door on the left. Two guys were at the door and someone was next to Gareth at the first row of the benches.

"Are we done?" The guy next to him asked Gareth as no reply came from the other side of the door.

"We'll hit the hinges." He replied. But before they fired a shot we did so from the shadows and the two guys at the door fell, leaving blood on the wall.

"Put your guns on the floor." Rick threatened.

I moved to my right together with Glenn, our guns raised and aimed at the people left.

"Rick, we'll fire right into that office, so you lower your gun." Gareth shot back, but before he could finish I shot his hand. He silently cried. I've been wanting to do that for a very long fucking time, he was a fucking asshole bitch

Rick raised his pistol, "Put your guns on the floor and kneel."

"Do what he says." Gareth cried and his men followed the instructions, except for one. "Martin, there's no choice here."

"Yeah, there is." Martin protested.

Abraham snuck from the shadows and put a rifle to his head, "Wanna bet?"

That made Martin go down on his knees as well. We all came from the shadows with our guns raised. 

Rick faced Gareth, giving him the 'rick-look'.

"No point in begging, right?" Gareth spoke.


"Still, you could've killed us when you came in. There had to be a reason for that."

"We didn't want to waste the bullets."

"We used to help people. We saved people" Gareth said. It gave me no choice but to sigh and eyeroll. Was he really going to play this game? "Things changed," He continued, "They came in and... After that... I know that you've been out there, but I can see it. You don't know what it is to be hungry. You don't have to do this. We can all walk away. And we will never cross paths again. I promise you."

"But you'll cross someone's path." Rick replied, "You'd do this to anyone, right? Besides, I already made you a promise." He quickly got the red handle machete and swing it into Gareths stupid skull. We now killed the rest of them. I smashed some womans head to the floor, blood flowing across the wooden floor. For some sick reason this felt good. I know it shuldn't, but it did. 

When we were all done we looked at what was left of the Termites. 

"It could've been us." Rick spoke.

Gabriel came from a room, you could see in his eyes the disbelief and fear of what gone down in his church.

I turned around to see Glenn staring in shock as well as Tara. They didn't kill any of them. I didn't blame them, once you start, it's hard to come back. I stepped towards them, "You both okay?"

Glenn nodded slightly.

"You don't have to, yet. But the day will come that you do. Just keep that in mind." I said to Tara in an attempt to comfort her. It seemed to work as she looked at me and nodded.


We all said our goodbyes to Bob as he started to get weaker and weaker. 

It was my turn so I sat down next to him and started speaking, "I know we've never really been all that close, but I saw how much happiness you brought to Sasha, she deserves it, same as you. I respect you a whole lot. And I hope that you will find happiness wherever you go after death and know we will always think of you." 

Bob smiled, "Thank you, just know that I'll wait for y'all up there, alright?"

I nodded


Author's note,

Hi everyone, I appreciate that you've stayed 'till this chapter. But I've decided to not work on this book any longer. I really don't have the motivation and I don't think it's ever going to come, so this is the end of this book. I truly appreciate y'all reading this, but this one's over. The end of Emris and Daryl's story is up to your imagination. I can tell you that my imagination had a good ending planned for them.

Your's truly, 


PS: I am working on a new book and the first part is published on my account, please check it out. Thank you!

Love & survival (Daryl Dixon x oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang