~ Deleted Scene: I Don't Need Him Anymore (Season 1)

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Chapter Two (Lowkey, I wish I used this version in the original story!)

As Dusk walked through the rainy night, her umbrella clutched in her hand, the glow of a nearby television screen caught her eye. She walked closer to the shop's window and watched as a picture flashed onscreen, her jaw dropping as she read the headline. Sir Reginald Hargreeves is Dead. "Dad," She barely whispered. Dusk never got along with her adopted father, but the fact he had passed on shocked her. Usually, it was the bad seeds that lived forever, but obviously, it was not the case this time.

The shock continued to course through her as she walked the last two blocks back to the apartment she shared with her fiancé. She fumbled with the ring of multiple keys until she finally found the right one and stepped into the apartment. "Seb, are you here?" she called out, setting her bags and the soaking umbrella on the floor. Silence. Dusk called out his name again, and as she walked closer to their bedroom, the only thing she could hear was faint snoring.

Okay, he's never gone to bed this early. Is he sick? She wondered. Gently turning the knob, she peeked into the darkened room to see that he was asleep. But just from the small amount of hallway light peering into the room, she noticed a strange hand resting on his bare chest. What the... Immediately, she swung the door open, the bang from it hitting the wall startled Sebastian and his lover. They both sat up in the bed, the woman frantically covering her top with the bedsheets while Dusk stood still in absolute horror.

"What the hell is this?!" She screeched, turning the lights on. The young woman didn't plan on sticking around, so she quickly changed back into her clothes and brushed past Dusk. "So this is stuck doing work?! You have to go and fuck another girl while I'm onstage?!" Her hands clenched into fists as she gripped the doorframe, wanting to rip it from its hinges. "Dusky, you don't understand! She's just a friend!" Sebastian insisted. "Just a friend? So, I'm guessing you screw all your other girlfriends? Just because I wanted to wait, doesn't give you a free smash!"

It didn't matter if the neighbors woke up and were now calling the cops. Dusk had enough anger in her system to fly her to China and back. This was the first time in a long time she held so much resentment for one person. The last was their father after all the abuse he put her and the rest of the Umbrellas through. "Well, if you weren't so busy all the time, maybe I wouldn't have done this!" Sebastian shouted. "Don't blame me! I never forced you to cheat on me!" Dusk could feel the corners of her eyes ignite with fury.

Just looking at the cheater before her made her bones burst into flames. She stormed towards the nearby closet and pulled out a large duffel bag, some of Sebastian's clothes already stuffed inside. "Pack the rest of your shit and get out! And leave your key on the counter, you cheating bastard!" Dusk folded her arms in front of her chest, watching as he hurriedly grabbed everything of his, zipped up the bag, and left, tossing her his copy of the apartment key.

Tears of anger and betrayal slipped down her face as she paced back and forth in the living room, trying to pull herself together. But the image of Sebastian and whoever that woman was kept replaying in her mind like a broken record. She couldn't sleep there that night, not when she felt like a complete stranger. But since she didn't have many friends, she didn't know who to turn to. The closest person who could console her was Viktor (Yes, even though this is Season 1, I'm still referring to him as Viktor.) and he lived thirty minutes across the city.

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