~ Chapter Eighty Eight ~

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As Dusk, Klaus, and the others walked into the banquet hall for the reception, they watched as Luther and Sloane had their first dance, holding one another as Teenage Dream echoed throughout the venue. Clouds of smoke came from the nearby fog machines, further adding a hint of romance to the scene. "Beautiful, isn't it?" the raven asked, breaking her gaze to look at her lover. "Yeah, it is," Klaus nodded, still grinning at the married couple.

"This is officially worse than the apocalypse," Five muttered. To this, Dusk bumped his side with her elbow, catching his attention. "Oh lighten up, old-timer. It's not sooo bad," his twin chuckled. Out of the corner of the time traveler's eye, he watched Victoria as she grabbed a glass of champagne, a sense of longing forming within him. It wasn't until she left, he went to grab himself a drink, hearing the plan recite itself in his head.

He ripped off the gold foil covering the cork of the bottle, and as he poured himself the light gold substance, he watched as Diego and Lila danced together, as well as Dusk and Klaus. I really hope this works out. "I forgot you were a good dancer, Klausy!" Dusk smiled as he spun her around, their dance moves not quite synching to the beat. But it didn't matter, they were having fun and they were together after what felt like centuries of being apart. That was all she cared about.

After the slow dance, they all sat down at different tables, helping themselves to the various kinds of food and alcohol at their disposal. As Dusk grabbed her plate and piled some fruit and pieces of lamb and vegetables, she and Victoria engaged in conversation. "I'll admit, this wedding is kinda cool. But if you ask me, I'm still living for that drama we caused at your ex's wedding," the redhead whispered.

"Yeah, but this time is different. Luther's not a cheat. The guy's spent most of his life trapped on the moon. It's nice to see him finally find someone who loves him," Dusk said as she glanced at the ape-man and gravity girl giggling and occasionally smooching. "Bah, love is overrated. No offense to you and your man. But why should I fall in love with someone when they have the chance to hurt you later on?" Five didn't mean to hurt you on purpose, Vic. Should this plan work out, you'll see it.  

While his girlfriend was occupied, Klaus took the time to sneak over to Five, who was busy snacking and drinking away. "Cinco! Mi Hermano!" he called out as he took a seat next to him. Five looked up from his plate, "What do you want?" "Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So, why don't you and I pop up to the suite for a little chitchat? Ten minutes at the most!"

Five squinted at the junkie, questioning why he was being all Frick and Frack with their old man. But Klaus explained that Reginald was like a turtle. He may have a rough exterior but was cute and wrinkly on the inside. "Klaus, listen to me. Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart. My only plans for tonight are to get me and Victoria on good terms again and get fucked up beyond all recognition,"

Klaus bit back a sigh, part of him knowing that Five would be tough to convince. As he stood up to walk away, the time traveler grabbed the sleeve of his suit. "And one last thing, I may be trapped in a teenage body, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass if you do anything to hurt my sister," He whispered, the tone sending a few chills down Klaus's spine. 

"Don't worry, dude. I wouldn't dare hurt her!" Klaus swore. "Good. Because if you do, I'll chase you around with an axe for all eternity," Aww, protective brother! Both cute and terrifying... Klaus thought as he walked away from the table, going over to Luther and Sloane.

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