~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

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Back at the Academy, Diego, Dusk, and Allison watched from the hall as Grace patched up Five's wound. "Oh god... I can't watch this," the raven shuddered, looking away from the room and over to her sister. "Did you hear anything from Vanya?" She questioned. "No answer at Vanya's place. And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today," Allison explained.

The two sisters looked over at Diego, who was in a daze as he stared into the room. "Diego, you alright?" Allison asked. "You know what, we don't have enough time. We got to go," He sighed, turning around to head down the stairs, but Allison grabbed his arm before he could get far. "I don't know, Diego. Five is lying there, unconscious. We need him," Allison whispered.

"We can do this by ourselves," Diego insisted. "We did that already, remember? We all ended up dead," Dusk reminded. The three of them quietly discussed what they were going to do about the Leonard Peabody situation. "There are no other addresses in the file, but another relation was listed. Jenkins' grandmother lived near Jackpine Road," Diego explained. "So, you think he took her there?" Allison inquired. "It's a good enough place to start," Diego responded.

Maybe there is hope for finding Vanya after all. Let's hope he hasn't done anything to her yet. 

"Alright, well, Allison and I will go after-" "No, Dusk. It's too dangerous for you to go out there with me. I can handle him myself," Allison interrupted. "Alli, I can watch your back if he tries to pull some shit," she protested. "Allison's right. You need to stay here and make sure the rest of our siblings are okay," Diego defended.

Her jaw dropped at him taking sides against her. Not because she was expecting him to take her side, but because he usually tended to stay neutral. "You seem to forget who you are talking to. I can burn that guy to a crisp!" Number Two and Number Three glanced at her, silently saying that she was not going to change their minds. "Alright, fine. But please be careful out there," Dusk caved in, admitting defeat.

"Always am,"


Klaus picked himself off the floor as the ghost of Dave faded away from him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall man with large muscles heading in Luther's direction, and from the look on his face, he was not too happy with the ape-man dancing with his girlfriend. "Help him, Klaus!" Ben shouted. But to Klaus, his voice was far off in the distance, almost slurred and distorted.

He chased after the man, grabbing him by the neck and jumping on his back. "Luther! Luther, help!" Klaus shouted as his brother continued dancing. The man fought back and spun around, hoping the junkie would let go. Eventually, Klaus lost his grip and fell onto the concrete floor, hitting his head hard and slipping into unconsciousness.

A while later, his eyes slowly fluttered, revealing that he was no longer in the club. Instead, he was somewhere completely different. The area surrounding him was a complete void of no color, making him even more confused. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone coming his way, riding a bicycle. When they got into view, it was a young girl, wearing an old-fashioned hat and dress.

"Almost didn't see you. You blend in around here. So pale and all. They don't have any sun down there?" Klaus was confused by the girl's words, wondering what she meant by "Down there" "Where am I?" He asked. "Where do you think?" She responded. "I'm not sure. I'm agnostic, so-" Before he could finish his sentence, the girl told him that he couldn't stay, claiming that she didn't like him very much.

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