~ Chapter Eighty Four ~

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It was a race against death. As the group piled into two Hotel Obsidian cars, they struggled to race away from the kugelblitz. Not only did they have to worry about the orange ball sucking everything in its wake, but they also had to worry about the cracked roads and deep potholes with mouths wide open, attempting to swallow them whole. Dusk floored the accelerator as the orange rays got dangerously close to the vehicle.

"Dusk, hurry! It's catching up!" Viktor shuddered, trying to stay calm. "I'm going as fast as I can!" The raven assured. "We're almost there. Just a couple more blocks!" Without warning, she turned the wheel left, some of her siblings crashing into one another. "Luther, you're crushing me!" Diego smacked Luther's arm as it dug into his ribcage. "We're all cramped together, so you're gonna get squished one way or another!" Luther sighed.

After a few more painstaking and stressful minutes, Dusk finally pulled the car to the sidewalk, letting out a breath of relief. "Is everyone okay back there?" She asked. "We'd be much better if we got inside!" Lila retorted. Just as she helped everybody inside, the second car pulled into the lot, Sloane and Five got out, carrying Dahlia and Ben's unconscious bodies into the building. "Have they woken up yet?" The phoenix questioned as they set them down.

"Not yet, but Dahlia was talking weirdly in the car," Sloane answered. Dusk slightly raised an eyebrow. "What was she saying?" She inquired. The gravity girl explained it was mostly groans of pain, but she muttered words like Fei, Kugelblitz, and Oblivion. Oblivion? She looked down at the blonde and Squid Boy, noticing they were slowly waking up. "What's going on? Ow, my head..." Dahlia groaned as she sat up.

"D, Benny, you're in the Hotel Obsidian. We're safe," Sloane stooped down to their level. The blonde glanced around the room, a look of panic in her eyes. "Wha-where is Fei and Christopher?" She hyperventilated. "They... didn't make it," her sister stated. Dusk watched as Dahlia's eyes widened, but she could see she was doing her best to hide her emotions. "What is happening to this world?" she muttered.

"Clearly ending!" Victoria scoffed. "I wasn't talking to you, redhead, whatever your name is," Dahlia placed her head in her hands, scooting up against the wall. "So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" Allison asked. "Maybe we're the last to get flushed?" Viktor suggested. Allison looked away, clearly trying to act like he didn't exist. The raven glared at her sister, silently saying, Do you want me to tackle you again?  But Allison did her best to ignore her too.

Luther looked around the room, wondering if anyone saw Dad or Klaus. "They'll be here," Diego assured. Ben scoffed at the Kraken's response, "Really, did they... hit traffic? Look people, we're alive because we're special. We're the only ones who can save this universe," he spoke. 

"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?" Dusk crossed her arms. "Yeah, because his plan was stupid," The Kraken piped up. "I have a better idea. We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator. You guys do some science, and... we launch the kugelblitz into outer space," Dusk's face twisted into one of confusion. I think it's hadron. But A for effort, Diego.

That idea did not sit well with Ben, who insulted Diego for his mispronunciation, but Lila came to his defense, asking what he contributed. "Actually, this little shit blew up half his family!" Diego pointed out. "For once, an Umbrella speaks the truth," Dahlia muffled. Ben and Diego turned their attention, asking her to repeat herself.

𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝘀𝗵𝗲𝘀 ~ 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘃𝗲𝘀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora