~ Chapter Eighty Five ~

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Dusk smiled at Luther and Sloane's PDA, their side hugs, cheek kisses, and the occasional lightly bumping of noses. She could see that being with Sloane made him really happy. He deserves her, she's a wonderful girl. "Oh, and before we forget! We made these for you guys!" Sloane gasped, grabbing a woven basket containing little jars. She handed them out to the group and the opening them to see little pieces of paper celebrating their union.

"Wow, you made all these yourself?" Dusk asked. "Luther helped too. We stayed up all night," Sloane answered. The last-minute talent that went into these handmade invitations further stirred Dusk's liking of Sloane. Not only was she creative, but she was also nice. It was almost like the first meeting when Dusk was thrown into the art wall hadn't happened. Footsteps and voices came up the stairs, making everyone turn their heads. To their surprise, Klaus and Reginald had made it unharmed.

"Dad? Klaus?" The Umbrellas and Sparrows gaped. Though she was just as confused as to how they made it back alive, Dusk was relieved to see her lover alive and well. As he waved to some of his siblings, she rushed into his arms, tightly embracing him. "I was so worried about you!" She whispered, bringing a hand to his cheek. "Don't be, love. I'm alright!" Klaus assured, running a hand through her hair and kissing the crown of her head. 

As the couple held each other a little longer, Reginald attempted to gather the children around, claiming that there was something important to discuss. But the group was more concerned about where Klaus had been. "The world's going to shit out there. What were you doing?" Diego questioned. "Reg and I got tangled up in a whole father-son end-of-the-world road trip kinda thing," the junkie explained.

"You two are hanging now?" Ben queried. Klaus nodded, claiming that they laughed and played in traffic. "And it turns out I'm immortal now!" he announced. Though she knew her boyfriend came back from the dead after a fatal wound to the chest, it was still a shock to hear that, but it made her smile, knowing that no matter what injury he endured, he would always come back to her. But the others didn't seem to buy it.

"Klaus, have you gotten into the bath salts again?" Allison questioned. "The important thing is he's still here, and regardless of immortality or mortality, I'm happy he hasn't been kugelblitzed," Dusk smiled, ignoring her sister's ridiculous remark. As he looked around the room, Reginald couldn't help but notice the tiny jars Sloane was handing out. "Why are you playing with jars?" he inquired.

Sloane and Luther looked at each other a bit hesitant. It was easy to tell their siblings, but they both knew telling their father would be a different story. "These are invitations. Luther and I are getting married," the gravity girl responded, holding out a jar for him to see. Klaus smiled and whispered congratulations to the couple, while Reginald looked rather disgusted. "All of space and time is collapsing, and you lot are planning a wedding?"

Before his father could make a bigger deal about it, Luther stammered over his words as he lied saying that space was limited and that it was per plate situation. "Is this how I raised you? To fiddle while Rome burns?" Reginald objected. Klaus placed a hand on his shoulder, whispering for him to calm down. "Quiet, I'm on a roll," the old man hushed. "Dad, have you been taking your pills?" Sloane asked.

"As a matter of fact, I haven't. You thought you could dope me up and slow me down, take control of my affairs and squander my fortune. Well, Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison." Klaus's eyes widened at the exposure, and everyone around shot him looks that said, What the hell? "Why would you do that?!" Sloane shook her head, her eyes widening. "He's the only one doing any thinking. All of you could learn a thing or two from this impressive young man,"

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