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The night of the party finally arrived and my nerves have kicked in for many reasons. For one this is the first party I am going to since the drugging and second i'm going to be seeing Christopher. I stand in front of a mirror looking at myself in my new suit. This suit is the best thing I have ever bought. It fits me perfectly and the color is amazing.

I walk out of my room into the living room where Blaine is drinking whiskey before we leave. He looks at me and whistles lowly. "Damn Tristin" He chuckles after finishing his drink. I smooth down the front of the suit fidgeting with the tie. "Does it look okay? I hope it's not to much" I mumble looking a Blaine for reassurance. He smiles as he walks over to me and fixes my tie. "You look amazing Tristin...Christopher...he is lucking to have a good guy like you" He says stepping back. He walks over to the door grabbing his suit jacket and slipping it on. "Let's go. We shouldn't be late" He said opening the door and motioning for me to go first.

We get into a waiting car then drive off. My nerves are though the roof right now. What will Christopher say when he sees me? Will he kiss me again? Stare at me? Talk to me or not talk to me. What will I do when I see him? God, this is going to be so awkward I can already tell. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. It will be okay. Hector will be there and during that time we can catch up, I'm sure he has lots to tell me. The drive was long just like the last time I went to a party but the long drive was worth it. We arrived at a massive building with people walking in with expensive suits and beautiful dresses. Blaine helps me out of the car and I hook my arm onto his as we walk towards the entrance.

"Christopher should be here" Blaine whispers as we enter the building. It was a gorgeous room, decorated in beautiful decorations. The music is elegant like we are in a ballroom. I look around the room at the many faces trying to find one in particular. I grip Blaines arm when I see those cool grey eyes looking right at me. He is standing across the room with that Alana girl talking to him. Of course he's talking to her. No, I can't get jealous we are not together...but damnit I want to go over there and make her see that...that...never mind. "Tristin please stop squeezing my arm, it's starting to hurt" Blaine chuckles. My move my arm away from his, "sorry" I mumble my eyes glued on Christopher. But before I could walk over someone hugs me tightly. "Tristin! I'm happy to see you again!" Hector says as he steps back. Holland walks up wrapping an arm around Hectors waist. "Love, you shouldn't run" He says making Hector roll his eyes. "I'm fine! In plus I wanted to talk to Tristin" Hector grabs my arm beginning to pull me away. "I'll see you later Blaine" I say to which Blaine nods at. Hector leads me to a side of the room where Miles stands.

"Tristin, first of all I am loving that suit" Hector says looking me over. I smile feeling confident. Anytime Hector compliments me it makes me feel so much better about myself and I know he means it. "Second, what is up with you can Christopher? I need to know! Because Christopher has been really grumpy lately...well he is always grumpy but grumpier then usual and he hasn't really gone out and drinks a lot more" He rambles but Miles stops him with a peck on the lips. "It is...complicated" I say softly. "Well! You could talk to him! Oh! Look he's heading this way" Hector says with a mischievous smile. "I wanna slow dance!" Hector grabs Holland and Miles tugging them towards a corner. "W-Wait" I groan softly. Christopher stops right in front of me. We stare at each other for a long time before Christopher talks, "you look amazing" I blush at his compliment. "That color looks amazing on you" He whispers.

"You look good to" I murmur. He really does, he is wearing a dark blue suit which looks amazing in him. "We should talk" He says offering me his elbow and I loop my arm around his. We walk outside to a backyard that is a beautiful garden with lights hanging up to light up the place. We said nothing to each other which made it very awkward between us. We stop at a bench so we can sit down to talk. Christopher doesn't move his arm away from mine so neither do I. It's nice to be near him again but it also hurts. He hurt me then he kissed me and now I have no idea what we will become. All I know is I don't want another contact not even if we were to date.

"Blaine is treating you well?" Christopher asked breaking the silence between us. "Yes, he is a great friend. Even if he is nosy" I answer. I watch as Christopher's lips move upwards for a small smile. Christopher turns to look at me with soft eyes and I look back. "I should explain myself and I have something I need to confess" He said moving his hand to grab mine. My nerves kick in as he takes a deep breath. "I know I don't have to tell you this but it would be wrong if I kept it from you. When you left my house I did something and I deeply regret what I did" He explained. I stare at him confused and he closes his eyes like he is gathering his thoughts or getting ready to tell me something awful. "I-

"Christopher! There you are!" I look towards the pathway seeing Alana walking towards us with a big smile on her face. I turn away to scowl so neither Christopher or Alana see it. Why does she have to ruin our talk? We have to talk about things so why is she here. "Come back in! Couples are dancing and I want to dance with you" she says grabbing Christopher's hand that was holding mine. "Alana...I am talking with-

"Come on! It's so romantic!" Alana completely ignores Christopher while practically dragging him away from me to head back inside. I stare at the shutting doors that they walked through my eyes wide and jealously swirling in my gut. Quickly closing my eyes I take a deep breath missing the feeling of Christopher's hand in mine. I stand up walking back inside making it to Hector who grins at me but when he sees I don't smile back he frowns. He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me tightly and I hug him back. Why can't things go my way for once? I just want to have a talk with Christopher to know if we have a chance at being a real couple and do things couples do. Like go on dates and give each other random kisses and hugs. Hector pulls away to give me an encouraging smile before Holland takes him to dance for real this time. I don't feel confident anymore. Alana is so beautiful while I'm...I'm just me. She has money and looks and can be everything Christopher wants. She is perfect for him, I don't even have a change against her. Christopher isn't mine so I have no right to be jealous of him spending time with a beautiful woman. I don't want to be here anymore.

I walk up to Blaine who is talking with a man touching his arm to get his attention. He turns giving me a dashing smile. "Hey, did you and Christopher have a good time?" He asked but I just shake my head. "Can we please leave" I ask in a small voice. Blaine's smile leaves his face when hearing my sad voice. "Of course Tristin" He says setting his glass down and grabbing my hand with his.

When we get outside I wait as Blaine calls his driver to come pick us up. Looking around I hear footsteps then a giggle come from behind the tree at the front. Walking around to see what it is but I wish I hadn't. My jaw drops and my eyes water as Alana presses her lips against Christopher's. I knew it. I knew I didn't stand a chance. I'm nothing to him anymore. When you get a new toy you play with it over and over until you get tired of it. That's what I was...a toy that he got tired of. I don't even know why I thought we could be something more. I should've just left it alone the first time he told me I was nothing to him. "Tristin?" Blaine walks up to me while Christopher pushes Alana off of him. "Tristin it's not-" I turn running into Blaine who was staring at Christopher his eyes wide. Blaine wraps his arms around me as I let out an sob. Blaine leads me away from them and to a waiting car opening the door for me.

"Tristin! Wait please let me explain" I hear Christopher shout but Blaine shuts the door then walks to the other side to get in. Hot tears run down my face as the image of Christopher kissing Alana keeps flashing in my head. Blaine places a hand on my arms squeezing to let me know he is here.

I stop crying after awhile so now all you can hear are my sniffs in the car. When we get back to Blaine's place I rush to my room tears threatening to fall again I angrily tug off the tie to the suit then the jacket. Throwing then against the wall before yelling out my anger and hurt. It feels like my heart got ripped out of my chest then crushed. Falling onto my bed I grab a pillow squeezing it as I cry again. I was so stupid to believe Christopher would want me again. So stupid to actually love him. Why do I love him when he doesn't love me back?
Wow! So much drama hahaha...
This took me so long to write. I honestly have no idea if I will have Christopher and Tristin get back together. So much to think about...
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. <3

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