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After we got back from the store and ate I started making cookies. Christopher said he had a few things to take care off so he walked into the study. Miles was seated at the island watching me mix the ingredients for the dough while Holland stared his phone. The quiet was nice the only sound was me either accidentally banging bowls against other things and the sound of the mixer. The dough was almost ready to be put on a pan and into the over. I only made regular chocolate chip because I don't know what everyone likes and I didn't want to make something to big either. In plus Miles said he and Holland like chocolate chip cookies.

Once the dough is all mixed I place little balls onto a baking sheet them slide the pan into the oven and set a timer. I turn back to clean up my mess when I slam into a body. Arms wrap around my waist to hold me steady. "You make a lot of noise when baking" Shivers go down my spine at the smooth voice that belongs to Christopher. He places a kiss on my ear before trailing his lips down to my collarbone. "S-Sorry" I stutter out.

"They already smell so good" Miles says. Holland looks up and we make eye contact but he quickly looks away whispering something to Miles before walking away.

Christopher let's me go then sits next to Miles talking quietly to him while I clean up the kitchen and wait for the cookies to be done. I sneak a few chocolate chip while cleaning humming happily. Joey never let me have sweets, he was big on eating healthy so I never got to bake for fun or eat anything sweet. When I hear the timer beep I grab the oven mitts and carefully take the cookies out to let them cool. Miles practically drools over them while Christopher just looks at me.

I place them on a plate once they cool a little then set them on the island where Miles can reach them. He takes one and shoves it into his mouth moaning softly. I chew on my lip as I stare at the fresh cookies wanting one so badly but I don't know if Christopher allows his submissive's to have sweets. Joey never let me have any, always said I would get fat and ugly.

I hear Christopher sigh, walk to the island and break a cookie in half then holds the half up to my mouth. I take the cookie and eat some smiling a little at how good it tastes. Christopher sets the other half of the cookie back on the plate where most of the cookies are gone. I look at Miles who looks away which makes me giggle a little. "I will head to bed now" Miles said standing up then walking away. Christopher wraps his arms around my waist pulling me flush against him. "You are allowed to eat your own creations Tristin" He purrs in my ear.

"Are you sure? I-I mean, my last uh, dominant didn't let me because he said I would get fat" I murmur chewing on my lip again. Christopher let's me go but spins my around so I'm facing him. "First of all, there is nothing wrong with gaining weight and second you're ex dominant sounds like an asshole" He huffs. I ball my hands a spark of anger hitting me. Joey may have been mean sometimes but he loved me. He...saved me and I- I...I hate him....I look down at my casted wrist as my eyes water. "Diamond" I mutter. Christopher takes a step back creating distance between us.

"I want you in my room at 7 in the morning so you can dress me. Nothing to hard and I'll be waiting" He said then walked away probably to his room.

I let out a heavy sigh leaning on the counter as tears fall. I feel so much all at once, anger, sadness, betrayed, gross. I feel angry and sad the most. I want to throw something but at the same time I want to cry. To let out all of the emotions I'm pent up throughout the years I was with Joey. I hear footstep and quickly wipe my face. I see Sadie looking at me a worried look on her face. "It will get better" She said then walked off leaving me alone again.
The next morning I wake up at six instead of seven so I can dress myself. I take a shower then change into some jeans and a long sleeved T-Shirt. Before I go to Christopher's room I make myself some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Miles and Holland are awake as well and drink their coffees with me. Miles slips me a phone making me look at him confused. "Thought you could use one. It has mine, Hollands, and Christopher's numbers in it in case of emergencies. You can add more or whatever but yeah, it's yours" He said with a smile. I grab the phone knowing who exactly who I am going to called after I wake and dress Christopher.

I finish my breakfast then make my way to Christopher's room right when it turns to seven o'clock. I open his door and as he said he was sitting on his bed waiting for me. I shuffle in walking over to the clothes already laid out on his bed. I grab the dress pants walking over to him. I pull down his pajama pants laying them onto the bed then slide his pants on him. He stands up so I can button them and I catch him staring down at me. I flush as I grab the belt and slide it through the belt loops then buckling it.

I pull off his shirt then grab the white button up slipping it onto his shoulder. I try my hardest to to look at his sculpted chest but god does he have the muscles of a god. Christopher grabs the back of my neck and presses our lips together. His tongue pushes into my mouth clashing with mine. He nips my bottom lip making me whimper. He pulls away leaving me a blushing mess as I button up his shirt. I then put on his socks and shoes and then I'm done. I stand before him waiting for him to tell me what to do. Christopher hooks a finger under my chin so I look at him. He bends down kissing my lips then trailing his lips to my ear. "Good boy" He purrs nipping at my ear. My breath hitches and it gets way to hot in here. He places one single kiss on my ear before pulling away. "I will see you tonight, you can do whatever but stay out of my study" He said then walk out of his room leaving me alone.

Once everyone is gone except Sadie who is quietly cleaning I pull out the phone Miles gave me and call my only friend. He picks up on the third ring, "Hello?" He voice makes me calm down. "Hector" I breathe out. I hear a rustle and a gasp. "Tristin! Oh my gosh! You're alive! Oh my gosh! Where are you!? I've been worried sick! I thought Joey hurt you!" He rambles. "I'm fine, I'm somewhere safe and Joey...he did hurt me but I got away" I tell him. He sighs in relief. "Please tell me where you are, I need to hug you" He whines. I chuckle having the one thing back in my life. My best friend who always makes me feel better. "You can come over later" I say. I could talk with Hector for hours and that's what I plan to do until he can come over. I want him over when Christopher and the others are here just in case someone follows him. But I can't wait to spend time with my best friend.

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