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If I could make a wish right now I would wish that it were me in the surgery room instead of Hector. I'd give anything to swap places with him right now. Anything.

If I could cry right now I would but it's like I've run out of tears. It's just dry sobs that scratch my throat making it raw. A nurse dabs an alcohol wipe over the gash on my cheek where Joey hit with with the handle of the gun he had. It stung but not as much as the pain of not knowing if Hector will make it. She places a bandaid over the now clean gash before stepping away from me. Christopher is sitting on the opposite side away from me while Miles and Holland are waiting at the reception desk. Miles has been crying like I have while Holland is staying silent keeping his emotions hidden like always but I know. I know he's scared I can see it in  his eyes.

Christopher glances at me from time to time. I notice, he's not very good at hiding it. He held me back from my best friend who got shot. He didn't let me see him, didn't let me ride in the ambulance with him. Instead he held me while I cried until I begged him to take me to the hospital. I wanted him him away from me. I told I had feelings for him, he rejected me, then he looked so angry when Joey was kissing me. It doesn't matter. It's not important right now. Hector is important.

I still don't even know who called the police but they were there. They arrested Joey and the guys with him but before he went down he shot my best friend and hit me in my face. Christopher stands taking a step towards me but I glare at him and he sits back down. The doctor walks out taking his gloves off and lowering his mask. I immediately stand up rushing over as does Holland and Miles. "Is he okay?" I ask my voice weak and shaky. "The surgery went good but he's not in the clear yet. You guys should go home and get some rest" He says before walking over to a nurse and talking with them. I glance at Holland and Miles who glance back at me. Christopher walks up behind us getting ready to put a hand on my shoulder but I move away. "I'll wait in your car Holland" I mumble as I walk past them and out the hospital doors.
In my bedroom I shove my clothes in a suitcase that Miles gave me when I asked for one. I've only been here a few months and I have a lot of clothes. I walk into my bathroom, grabbing my essentials and putting them in the zipper part of the suitcase then zip it close. Grabbing the handle I walk out of my room and down stairs stopping in the living room where Holland and Miles sit talking quietly to each other. I will miss them even if we barely talked. I walk to the door and slip on my shoes when Christopher steps out of the hallway staring at me. Miles had followed me and holds out a card for me to take. I hesitantly take it looking down at the card.

"Has enough for food or anything else you need" He said before walking back to Holland. I slip the card in my pocket then look at Christopher. "I will only visit for Hector. He gets to stay because he is with your bodyguards" Christopher nods. "I can get you an apartment if you-"
"Nope, no need" I cut him off knowing it makes him mad. I may have went through his phone and called Blaine and asked for a place at stay for a few nights. I might have did it to piss of Christopher if he finds out. We won't do anything but it's nice to make Christopher mad from time to time.

I open the door and step out beginning the walk to the Uber I called a few moments ago. Putting my suitcase in the back with me I get in and we drive off towards Blaine's suite in the middle of the city.

When the Uber drops me off I hand the guy a few bills before he drives off leaving me in front of a huge building and Blaine lives all the way at the top. When I walk into the lobby I see Blaine sitting in a chair drinking from a whiskey glass. When he sees me he smiles and stands. "Tristin a pleasure" He says grabbing me suitcase from me. His other hand moves to my back urging me towards the elevator. "I hope you got here okay" Blaine says pressing the down button for the elevator. We wait for a few minutes before stepping in then he hits the top floor button.

"Fine actually" I mumble staring at the metal doors waiting for us to arrive so I can sleep. It has been a hell of a day and I need sleep if I want to make sure Hector is doing okay tomorrow.  The elevator dings and the doors open revealing a beautiful room. White leather couches, a glass coffee table, a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall and floor to ceiling windows showing off the city. I walk in further stopping at the windows looking over the city. You can even see Christopher's mansion in the distance. It's a beautiful view on I wish I could get used to. Blaine is a nice guy and sure he's good looking but I don't know if I want to date any more. Joey left a scar an invisible one but it's there. No, he left another one on my best friend. One that hurt him and he knew that it would hurt me that's why he did it. To hurt me.

I jolt when Blaine touches my shoulder which makes him remove his hand. "Your room is just down the hall. Hey, if it's okay I ask, why are you staying with me if you are with Christopher?" He asked taking a step back. I don't turn and keep my eyes on the view. "We aren't together. Never have been. I was just...just his toy" I mutter balling my hands. "Ah, that's Christopher for you" I hear Blaine mutter. I finally turn to face him and give him a light smile. "Thanks for letting me stay here until I find my own place" I say walking towards the hallway looking around as I do. "No problem and if you need anything just ask" I nod then open a door and see my suitcase next to the massive bed. I step in, close the door and sigh.

I have to start looking for jobs to earn money to find my own place. I don't want Blaine to think I'm using him, I'm really not I just needed a place to stay for a few days. I also need to check up on Hector from time to time.

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