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I sit in the living room of the penthouse a glass of wine in my hand while I scroll on my laptop at the news. Apparently Christopher had a new product come out, I don't know what it is but it's a big thing right now. I take a sip of my wine slightly gagging at the flavor. Wine is not something I like but it's the only thing Blaine has that I will drink. He was kind enough to drink all the champagne while I was out or in my room but that doesn't mean I don't want any though. I set my glass down as I hear the door open and close meaning Blaine is here. I lean back on the couch watching as Christopher does his announcement about the product. Why does he have to be so handsome? I haven't been able to go back to his house and have that talk with him. I just don't know where it will go and I keep asking myself, what if he apologizes and wants a relationship? Are you going to yes Tristin?

Blaine walks over after pulling off his suit jacket and tossing it on the arm chair. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked flopping on the couch next to me. Blaine looks at my laptop that still shows Christopher talking about his company. "Oh! I was there! I swear he never shows emotion to anyone!" Blaine chuckles making me smile. I shut the laptop looking over at the window to the night sky. "Yeah...never" I mumble. I can feel Blaine's eyes on me so I turn to look at him. "What's wrong? You normally avoid anything to do with Christopher" He said then looked at the wine glass that is almost full. Why does he have to be so observant. Gets on my nerves all the time. "When I went to his house the other day...I was about to leave when he kissed...me" I say blushing at the memory of his lips on mine. "Oh...oh!" Blaine reaches for the glass of wine then proceeds to get comfortable on the couch. "I'm listening" He says then takes a gulp of the wine. I roll my eyes but can't help but smile. Blaine loves to stick his nose in my love life if I even have one. "That's really it. I mean it was like twice when he did it and both times I was talking" I ramble looking away from him.

I've told Blaine almost everything because I trust him. He is there for me whenever I need him and he doesn't do anything to make me upset. He's my friend since I can't be with Hector all day Blaine is not as bad as I thought. We have deeps talks often but other then that we just mind our own businesses. "What are you going to do?" Blaine asked. I groan and flop back. "I told him we would talk but I'm to scared to" I mumble my voice muffled. When I glance at him his eyes have a glint in them and I get suspicious. "Why do you have that look on your face" I ask. "Oh, just glad I get to witness you guys seeing each other at the party someone is putting together for Christopher. You are going to be my plus one" He says with a smirk. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. "What!?" I yell standing up. Blaine chuckles as he sets the wine glass down. I cross my arms over my chest. "What makes you think I'm going to go" I ask. Blaine glances at me then stands as well. "Because I told Christopher to tell Hector that you will be there" My jaw drops. Oh my god he thought this through. Now I have to go because Hector is expecting me to be there. I groan yet again falling onto the couch. "You suck" I grumble. Blaine chuckles and grabs the wine glass then walks towards the kitchen.

"It's this weekend if you need to get a suit you need to go shopping" He says opening the fridge pulling out some leftovers from last night. He begins to heat them up gulping down the wine in the glass. "I mean...I have one but it was from that party when we first met and I don't really want to wear a suit I almost got taken in" I say walking into the kitchen snatching the glass from him and taking a sip. Blaine takes the glass back with a roll of his eyes. "Then go shopping" He says then puts the food in his mouth. "Fine" I say then walk away and into my room.

Of course Blaine would do something like this. Ugh, I don't want to go. Christopher will be there and he'll be in a suit that makes him look so good. I have a feeling that night is going to be a long night.

The next day I walk into a suit shop hopefully to find a suit here because all the other shops I've been to I haven't found a suit that I like. I don't know why I want the perfect suit but maybe I want to look good for Christopher. A guy walks up to me with a smile, "welcome! What can I do for you today?" He asked. I look around at the different suits, "I need a suit and I'm having trouble finding the perfect one" I admit looking back at the guy. He nods then he begins talking about the different suits and I still don't see any I like. Until I see one that caught my eye. It was a dark green suit and it was perfect. It would take Christopher's breath away and I think it will look amazing on me. "That one" I say pointing at the green suit. The guy looks at me then at the suit. "That's one of our most expensive suits sir" He says. I look at him and pull out the card Miles gave to me. "I have the money. So please take my measurements and get me the suit" I say. The guy smiles and nods leading me to get my measurements.

It took about twenty minutes then I payed and they said it would be sent to Blaine's penthouse so then I went there. I'm very excited to put that suit on and see how I look in it. I also want to see Christopher face when he sees me in the suit. Now I can't wait to go to this party.
It's short but I promise the next chapter will be longer! Have a great day/evening/night. -PurpleOcean

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