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"I can't believe we are going to a rich people party!" Hector squeals from my phone. I wince and glance up at Christopher who doesn't pay any mind to Hector. I smooth out his tie then step away from him to look him over. I had to dress him for the party we are going to. Christopher said we had to go a this party someone is hosting partly for him to meet with some business partners and to show his face to the people that host. I'm his plus on which I blushed at when he asked me. Miles and Holland are taking Hector so it works out so we all can go.

I was scared to leave at first but then Christopher said he had Holland and Miles to a security sweep and looked over who all was going to be there. He also said he wouldn't leave my side.

I brush away a hair that was on his shoulder of his dark green suit that he looked so good in. His hair is swept back and he shaved away the stubble that was growing. I am wearing a white suit that Christopher bought me in which he said I looked sexy in which made me blush.

"Alright we will meet you guys there" I say to Hector after picking up my phone. "Okay!" Hector responds before hanging up. I pocket my phone then look over at Christopher who is looking at me. He wraps an arm around my waist pressing me up against him. "Nothing will happen. I promise" He murmurs against my head before kissing it. "Let's go" I take a deep breath then we walk down the stairs to the car.

In the car Christopher is driving while I sit in the passenger's seat. Apparently this house or room or whatever the party is held in is pretty far so we had to leave early. Christopher had to be there early so he can meet what the host who's name I forgot so they can discuss something about his business. Christopher has one hand on the wheel and the other rest on my thigh squeezing lightly from time to time. Hector told me that him and his boyfriends will arrive when we arrive which is good. Even if Holland and Miles did a security check and made note of who all is coming my gut is just telling me something will go wrong. I don't know maybe it's anxiety but it won't go away.

Christopher stops in front of the house and someone opens our doors shocking me. I step out waiting for Christopher who walks around the car while handing the keys to a guy. "Ruin my car I'll ruin your job" He growls passing the man who cowers at Christopher. I latch onto Christopher's hand he offered to me then we walk in. The sun is going down making the sky a beautiful orange, pink mess. Christopher urges me forward so we step inside the massive building into a huge room that has tables everywhere and people talking in small circles.

I see Hector rushing over to us and he crashes into me with a tight hug. I hug him back happy to have him here. Miles pulls him off of me which makes Hector giggle and look up at Miles. Christopher leads me away towards a man in a navy blue suit with blonde hair and a bright smile. Like his teeth are so white it hurts to look at. A beautiful women by his side laughs at something he says. Christopher clears his throat catching the blonde's attention. "Christopher! Good to see you" The man greets holding out a hand for Christopher to shake but he doesn't. "Blaine a pleasure" Christopher says with a tight smile. His hand on my hip tightens as Blaine looks over at me with a spark in his eye. Before Blaine could talk the women steps up with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad you are here Christopher. My father is extremely excited to talk business with you" Christopher's tight smile morphs into a gentle one. The women blushes and something twists in my gut. "I am happy to talk with him as well Alana. I'm sure we will be good business partners in the future" Christopher says not looking away from her beautiful face. My nails dig into the palm of my hand as jealousy takes over. "Who is this beautiful man you have with you? You know I have a type for black hair and brown eyes in a man" Blaine purrs stepping closer. I blush glancing at Christopher. His jaw is clenched and his hand on my hip starts to hurt. Blaine lifts my chin stoking my cheek softly with a bright smile.

Christopher grabs Blaine's wrist with his other hand and it looks tight. "He's with me" Blaine yanks his hand away rubbing his wrist. Alana turns her gaze to me with a light smile. "Are you two...?" She trials off looking back at Christopher. "No" I flinch at how fast Christopher answered. I push his hand off my hip and he looks down at me confused. A waiter walks by his try full of champagne glasses and I take one. I'm not a heavy drinker but I do like champagne. I look back at Blaine who stares at me with a glint in his eyes. Christopher clears his throat then places his hand on the small of my back and I resist the urge to move away. "Well, Alana tell your father I will speak with him later. We are going to find our seats" Alana nods and Blaine doesn't take his eyes off me. Christopher leads me away towards a table where Hector is sitting with Miles and Holland.

I walk quickly so Christopher isn't touching me anymore and I take a seat next to Hector. Taking a sip of the champagne Hector turns to me with a smile. He is giddy and fidgeting in his seat. Definitely drunk already. Hector is definitely lightweight. "Tristin! Holland took my drink away" He whines resting his head on my shoulder. The diamond necklace around his neck moving. I glance at Holland who rolls his eyes with a slight smile. Christopher sits next to me talking with Miles about something I can't here. I finish my glass of champagne right as another waiter places one in front of me. I thank him. One more glass can't hurt anything. One of Christopher's hands find my thigh but I push it away making him look at me with a stern look. I pretend not to notice and take a sip of my champagne looking back at Hector who is whispering in Hollands ear.

The party goes on and I finish my second glass of champagne. I excuse myself to use the bathroom. I do my business then walk to the sink but my vision blurs and I stumble my hands gripping the marble sink. I look in the mirror but my vision his to blurry for me to see my face. "Wha..." my head pounds and my body feels weak. What's happening? I turn and my head spins but I stumble out the door into the loud room. My arms feel heavy and I can barely see anything. "Hec...tor.." I slur tripping on my shoe. Someone grabs my bicep holding me up right. "C-Chris..." I go to look up but I can't see anything my eyes flutter shut then open. "Shhh...it's okay" The person whispers pulling me somewhere. "Your going to get me a lot of money" They whisper again. I can't walk. It feels like my body is breaking down.

"Hey!" I hear a shout before my body gives out and I fall to the ground with a thud. "Shit" I hear the rushing of shoes coming towards me. I can make out Hectors face hovering over mine with a worried look. His lips are moving but I can't make out what he is saying. I eyes droop and darkness over takes me.

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