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Pacing the hospital waiting room chewing on my bottom lip until it's raw. We have been here all night till morning. I'm tired and worried and not to mention the hangover I have. Miles is sitting in one of the very uncomfortable chairs watching me with worried eyes. I knew I should've drank last night. Tristin could've been badly hurt if Miles didn't see him being led away from the bathroom looking like he drank more then me. Miles stands and wraps his arms around me but I can't be touched right now. I shake him off and run my hands through my hair. I want to see Tristin. I want to know my best friend is okay and not dying. Oh god...what if he's dying!

Miles grabs my shoulders making me face him. My eyes find his, "babe, he is fine. Calm down" He says cupping my cheek. He gives me a peck then let's me go and sits back down. I sit next to him bouncing one of my legs. Miles places his hand on my knee making the bouncing stop. I bolt up with I see Holland walk through the hospital doors. Holland gives me a small smile and pats my cheek before walk further into the hospital and I frown. Why can't anyone tell me what happened to my best friend! I hear yelling and a thud and I rush down the hall but Miles grabs me tugging me back. "Miles! It's Tristin! Please, I need to see him" I whine struggling in his grip.

Miles hugs me when we get back to the waiting room and I look at the ceiling blinking the tears away. After a few minutes Christopher and Holland walk into the waiting room and I wiggle out of Miles grip running to Christopher. "How is he? Is he okay? How bad was it? Can I see him? Is he awake?" Christopher looks at Holland with an annoyed look on his face which makes Holland glare at him. I look at Holland with a puppy look and his face softens. Gets him every time. "He's fine love" Holland answers. I glare at Christopher who stares down at his phone. "You said the guy that tried taking Tristin is locked up right now?" He asked putting his phone away and looking at Holland.

"Police locked him up right after they talked to him" Holland answers. I look down the hall where Holland and Christopher came from wishing I could see Tristin. "Can I please see him" I beg looking up at Christopher. "He's resting. I don't have time for this. Take me to the station I want to talk with that man" Christopher demands and I ball my fists. Why is he so mean. I grab his shirt collar and pull him towards me. "Do you have any idea what I am going through right now!? I have known him since he was 16 fucking years old and you have know him a few months! Tristin is my best friend and I want to see him now!" I yell shoving him away from me. Miles pulls me to his chest away from Christopher.

"Fine, Miles take him to Tristin" Christopher sighs fixing his collar. I quickly grab Miles hand pulling him down the hall then wait for him to take me to the room. Once in the room I rush to the bed Tristin is laying in sitting on the edge. He is staring at the ceiling lost in thought when I place a hand on his arm he looks over at me.

I hug him gently and he tries his best to give me a hug back. Tears sting my eyes so I don't let go so he can't see. "I'm okay, Hector" He whispers seeing right through me. I sit up and wipe my face. "I was so worried. I'm sorry this happened Tristin" I hiccup and grab his hand squeezing. He squeezes back with a small weak smile. "It was Joey...wasn't it? He hired someone to spike my drink then take me" He mumbles looking back at the ceiling. I glance up at Miles giving him a look to which he nods and walks out. "Hey, talk to me" I make myself comfortable next to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm just so tried. Tried of Joey coming after me. Tried of being locked in a house afraid of Joey getting me. Tried of being afraid of everything. Tried of Christopher being a jerk and treating me like a toy. Tried of him kicking me out of his bed at night. So fucking tried of him acting like he doesn't need me in his life. I'm afraid that if I slip up and tell Christopher how I feel he'll get rid of me..." He trails off with a loud gulp. It sounds like he has feelings for Christopher. I wish I could do something for him. If I could I would get rid of Joey. I want to see him happy. I know Christopher makes him happy. Hell when he walks into a room where Christopher is he smiles. Baking barely helps him. Tristin loves baking and it helped him a lot when he felt down now it's like nothing helps except Christopher who acts like a jerk to him.

"We will get him Tris-"
"Everyone keeps saying that but what if we don't?" He cuts me off harshly and I flinch.
"I can't right now Hector. I need to be alone" He cuts me off again. I get off the bed hugging myself as Tristin keeps staring at the ceiling. "I love you" I whisper before walking out to give him space. Once in the hallway where Miles stands the tears come back and I slid down the wall. But just before I hit the floor Miles grabs me and picks me up and I cling to him. I'm loosing him...I'm loosing my best friends and it's his fault. Joey. I hate him so much. Nuzzling my face into Miles neck as I cry and he rocks gently. What are we going to do?

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