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Early the next morning I get woken up by a hand running through my hair. The comfortable blanket on top of my makes me want to stay in this soft bed all day. The blanket leaves and hands start to rub my wrist then they move to my things massaging them gently. It feels good for how weak my body feels. My eyes flutter open to be met with Christopher's face looking down at me.

"How are you feeling? Anything hurt?" He asked removing his hands from my body. I rub my eyes then stretch my limbs with a yawn. "What time is it?" I wonder my hands dropping. Christopher reaches for his phone while I sit up stretching again. "Seven"

I lay back down drowning in Christopher's covers again wanting to go back to sleep. His bed is so soft, warm and it smells like him. "To early" I mumble rolling onto my stomach. A hand trials down my back settling on my butt that hurts a little "Hector is in the kitchen with Miles and Holland. I have a few meetings on call so I will be in my study mostly all day" He hums. I grumble into the pillow case not really caring about what his is going to be doing all day.

"Come on, out of my room" Christopher says. I grumble under my breath some words as I lift myself up to look for some sort of clothing. A shirt lands on my head from Christopher throwing it at me. I grab the shirt from off my head and pull it over my head to cover my body, which it does because I believe this is his shirt but whatever. I get off his comfy bed wishing I could stay a few more hours but instead I shuffle to his door, open it and walk out to my room. When I open the door I see Hector sitting on the edge of my bed arms over his chest.

I shuffle over the bed lay down making sure to cover myself with the blanket so I can sleep some more. Hector moves under the covers with me and wraps his arms around me. I love him so much. He knows when I'm to grumpy to talk and need more sleep. We always cuddle when we would spend the night as each others places. It calms me to be honest, knowing Hector is here and here is safe, it's just peaceful. Joey hated when we cuddled but I didn't care, Hector is my best friend and I'll cuddle with my best friend whenever I like.

My eyes droop as I focus on Hectors breathing which makes me fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
I wake up to the warm body cuddle up to me shifting away from me making me groan in protest. My eyes flutter open as I turn to lay flat on my back. Hector smiles down at me but then looks over my body his eyes resting on my casted wrist. I sit up and rest against the headboard knowing he wants to talk. "I want the full story Tristin" He said. It wasn't up for debate and I completely understand. I left without telling him why and where I was going. I was surprised he wasn't pissed at me when I called him but it's Hector and it's takes a lot for him to get mad.

"Few days ago I packed a bag while Joey was at work planning to leave in the middle of the night. Which I did do as you can see but when was walking down an alleyway Joey found me. I don't know how but he beat me. Threw me back further in the alleyway and he broke my wrist yelling at me. I on,y got away because I kicked him in his crotch" Hectors laughs when I finished. He covers his mouth but I can still hear his laugh.

"Sorry! Sorry. I can't believe you kicked him in his crotch" He gasps for air making me smile softly. He punches my shoulder softly then hugs me tightly. "I'm so proud of you" He sniffs dramatically. He pulls away looking me over again. He snorts grabbing his phone from off the night stand. "You look like shit by the way. Hickeys everywhere" I touch a hand to my neck blushing like crazy.

"Christopher" I grumble standing up and stretching. I walk into my bathroom turning on the shower so it can get hot. "If you must know! Miles and Holland are definitely my type in every way!" I hear Hector yell. I chuckle walking out into the bedroom to my closet. I grab a pair of jeans and a plain grey t-shirt with a pair of briefs. "Already knew that" I hum walking back to the bathroom for my much needed shower. Hector follows me but stays near the door for obvious reasons. "Okay but I've never have two sex gods want me before" He fans himself as I take Christopher shirt off letting it drop to the marble tile. "We'll enjoy it Hector. It might turn into something more, you never know" After I wrap my casted wrist in plastic so I don't get it wet I step into the shower sighing as the hot water hits my skin.

"That's what I'm worried about..." I nod my head knowing exactly what he mean. He may not be able to see me nod but he knows I know. Hectors last relationship was not a good one. It was kinda like mine. Abusive boyfriend, controlling and rude. Hector didn't deserve it, he is so sweet and kind that man ruined him. He has gotten better but he doesn't trust easily,I'm his only friend that he completely trusts.

"How do I know they won't hurt me" Hector has moved into the bathroom sitting on the huge tub looking down at his hands. As I wash my hair with one hand which is really hard I sigh. "I haven't known them long Hector but what I do know is that they protect what is theirs" Miles and Holland have that feeling of trust. When you're around them you know your safe, the same with Christopher. Even if he has his walls up all the time and doesn't care about others feelings he has this aura around him letting me know I'm safe.

I wash my body the best I can then get out and wrap a towel around my waist which was the hardest thing to do honestly then turn to Hector. "Hey, we are in this together now. No matter what. Your here now and whatever happens we do it together" I say softly. He nods and looks up at me with a smile. "No matter what" He repeats.

After I get dressed and Hector takes a shower and uses more of my clothes we head downstairs to the kitchen to eat brunch. Since it's past morning and almost noon, brunch it is. Hector sits at the island waiting patiently for me to finish the eggs and toast because he can't cook his own food. "What does Christopher do for a living?" He asked as I scramble the eggs just the way we both like. I shrug my shoulder not knowing the answer. All I know is that he is hella rich. "Owns his own business" Sadie floats into the kitchen her sweep in her hands.

I plate the eggs and toast sliding a plate in front of Hector. Hector stares at me eyebrows raised and I shrug my shoulders again. Sadie begins sweeping the kitchen humming quietly to herself while me and Hector eat our brunch. All you could hear was Sadie's humming which was beautiful by the way. After she is done he goes off the the next room still humming her song. Hector finishes his food before me but stays seated scrolling through his phone. He chews on his lip letting me know he isn't telling me something. I finish my last bite and grab both our plates. "Spit it out Hector" I grumble beginning to wash them.

"I don't know if you want to know this but...the day you ran away and got away from Joey he came to me" My hands freeze and I immediately set the dishes down so I can tune to him. "What did he do to you!? Did he hurt you!? God! Hector why are you just now telling me!" I ask terrified that Joey did something to him. "I didn't want you to worry...he was so angry. He kicked my door open and demanded I tell him where you were but I didn't know and he didn't believe me" I pace the kitchen running my hand through my hair. "He threatened me but Lyla showed up and told him to leave" I take a deep breath thankful Joey didn't hurt him.

I don't know what I would've done if Hector got hurt but him. I go back to washing the plates to occupy my mind. "You do know he won't stop looking until he finds you right?" Hector asked. I gulp and nod my head. Joey won't ever stop looking for me.
Christopher's POV (Short)
I lean against the wall in the hallway that leads to the kitchen where Tristin and Hector are. Miles and Holland next to me awaiting orders. I cross my arms clenching my jaw. Joey...I want to know who this Joey guy is and why Tristin is running from him. I walk into the hallway and into my study Miles and Holland behind me. I sit at the desk folding my hands on top of the dark oak wood. "I want information on this Joey guy. I'm think he is Tristins ex or something" Miles nods as well as Holland. I may not have feelings from Tristin but he is my submissive and I don't wish my submissive to be scared of someone who is after him.

After all if he is scared he won't want to have fun with me and we can't have that.

"Dismissed" Miles and Holland leave the room leaving me alone to think about this Joey person and my new submissive. My adorable submissive who makes the cutest sounds when being pleasured my yours truly. My little kitten.

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