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I chew on my bottom lip staring at my now casted wrist while Miles and Holland wait in my room just standing. Holland is near the door while Miles is seated next to my bed. My wrist was indeed broken and I will need this cast on for a few weeks The door opens startling me, the doctor and the man with the expensive suit walk in making sure to close the door behind them. Miles stand immediately walking over to stand next to Holland while the doctor stands next to me. "How are you feeling Tristin?" She asked. I nod my head fidgeting in the bed at all they eyes on me. "I'm okay" I mumble. The doctor smiles then turns to the man. "The cast will need to stay in for a few weeks and I do want check ups now and then" She says then walks out leaving me with them.

The man lifts my chin but I don't look him in the eyes. "Leave us" He says. I glance at the door watching as Miles and Holland leave. "Will you tell me why you ran out of an alleyway with a broken wrist?" He asked letting my chin drop. I shake my shake no. He doesn't need to know, if he will just give me a place to sleep and work to do I'll do it just so I'm safe. "You need a place to stay yes?" He asked. I nod my head. I hear him sigh which makes me look at him. This time I really look at him, he has dark brown hair and beautiful light grey eyes and a beard.

"If you want to stay at my place you need to work to earn your keep. I have a few options for you to choose from" He said sitting on the bed close to me. I gulp looking down at me cast. "One, you can get a job like at a restaurant or something while you live at my place or you can stay at my house and be my...personal assistant" He says lifting my chin again. I scrunch my face up not understand what he means by personal assistant. Those people like help their boss with things right.

"Y-You want me to help you with what? Meetings?" I ask. He rolls his eyes making sure I see it. "No, I already have someone to help with that. It's more like a personal personal assistant or someone who. Okay, look, if you choose this option you will please my...needs" He says. My face flushes at his words. His needs...does that me...like...

"You want me to please you like some whore?" I ask shocked. His grip on my chin tightens. "No" He growls lowly. He takes a deep breath, "you will not have to do anything if you are uncomfortable, there will be other things like dressing me and undressing me, making me dinner and so on" He explains. "So a servant" I say. He lets go of my chin taking another deep breath. "Pick one" He mutters.

I stare at him for awhile just considering my options. Is it really worth it? I mean will he even keep me safe. How do I know he won't be like Joey and mess with me. "If I take this job of yours will you keep me safe?" I ask looking into his grey eyes. He looks me over raising one eyebrow before nodding. "Yes, but I need to know who I am protecting you from" He said taking out his phone. I shift again lowering my head. "I don't feel comfortable telling you that, just know they are mean and don't like when people escape them" I mumble. Christopher stares at me not saying another just staring. I want to tell him about the gang and Joey but I can't no now anyways.

Then he nods and stands up taking out his phone and typing really fast. "Let us be on our way then" Christopher said holding my clothes for me. I stand grabbing my clothes from him then walking into the bathroom to change. When I walk back out Holland and Miles were in the room while Christopher was speaking quietly on the phone. Miles gave me a smile while Holland just kept his eyes forwards waiting for an order. It was a little uncomfortable just standing in the hospital room in silence.

Christopher put his phone away then turned to face me, "Let's go" He said. Miles and Holland took immediate action upon hearing Christopher talk. Holland opened the door and Christopher walk out. Miles motioned for me to go first and I did then he walked out after me. They must be bodyguards or something like that. As we walked through the hospital a see every female nurse giggle and whisper when Christopher walks past them. Some even try to walk into his but Holland is quick to push them away. I didn't even realize I stopped walking until Miles put a hand on my back urging me forward. I look back at him in which he gives me a small smile. I look forward and walk to catch up with Christopher.

We get into a car, Christopher is in the driver seat while I'm in the back with Miles. Holland got in a different car and drove off before us. I stare at my cast. I've had bones broken before from Joey and I hated it. He loved bringing me pain, it turned him on while it just hurt me. He was a sadist a horrible one. That glint in his eyes when we were in the alley meant he was having fun. I hate it. Before I left I would've done anything to please him, even if it meant him hurting me to gain pleasure. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy a little pain durning intercourse but not to the point I'm begging him to stop. He never did because he liked seeing me in pain.

Miles touches my shoulder which shakes me out of my daze. He smiles again then gets out of the car running over to my side to open the door. I didn't even realize we stopped. I get out of the car to see a massive house. My eyes widen as the beautiful house in front of me. It was three stories, the outside was painted white and all around it were flowers. The drive way was filled with small stones packed into the ground creating a beautiful driveway and walkway.

Christopher walks up to what I assume is his house and I quickly follow while Miles gets back into the car. Christopher stops suddenly making me run into his back. "Sorry" I mumble taking a step back. Christopher shrugs then takes his shoes off setting them near the door then continues into his house. "Shoes off" Is all he says. I gulp as I take my shoes off placing them near his. Quickly catching up to him I look around the beautiful interior of the house. Polished white marble floors, dark oak woods tables, dressers and chairs with cushions. Everything was spotless and shinny.

I crash into something or someone and we tumble to the ground. I lift myself onto my hands looking down to see I landed on a woman who stares at me in shock. "I-I'm so s-sorry" I stutter quickly getting off of her. Her face turned a bright red as she stands and brushes herself off. "That's one way to meet someone" She giggles nervously. Her face is still red. I look her over, she looks to be about my age. Her hair is fire red with hazel eyes and freckles all over her face. "You must be Tristan!" She says bashfully. I shift from foot to foot not knowing what to do. She knows my name but I don't know hers. "Christopher called and told us to get a room ready. I put new sheets on the bed because the old ones were covered in dust. I also dusted because well there was dust everywhere. The bathroom is fully stocked with toothbrushes, floss, toilet paper, toothpaste, towels in the closet, condoms, and lube" My eyes widen at the last two things she just said. She said it so casually. "I-I'm sorry, what?" I asked shocked. Why would those things be in the bathroom that I'm using.

"Yes, Christopher specifically asked those things be put in there. I don't ask questions I just do what I'm told" She said. Why would he want those things in the bathroom...The girl smiles before walking away. I'm left standing in the middle of a living area by myself in confusion. What have I gotten myself into?

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