11. Catch Me I'm Falling

Start from the beginning

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"C'est quoi ce bordel? (What the fuck)" Laurent said reading the message from Aaliyah as they walked through LAX.

Larry looked at his brother. "Quoi? (What)"

Laurent handed Larry his phone and let him read the message. "Pourquoi at-elle dit cela? (Why did she say that)" He asked.

"Je ne sais pas. (I don't know)" Laurent replied. "Je vais savoir. (I will find out)"


After getting settled in at a hotel, both of the brothers went to Aaliyah and Shakel's house to get answers. Larry rung the doorbell and stood there patiently while Lau leaned against the wall waiting for one of the girls to open the door. Shakel opened the door and immediately her eyes went straight to Lau. He looked at her confused and stood up straight. "What?" He asked.
Shakel stepped out and pulled Lau toward the driveway while telling Larry to go inside.

"What did you do because Aaliyah is completely over you. Like really what did you do?" Shakel asked looking at him.

"What do you mean? I don't know what I did!" He said completely unaware of what was going on.


Larry looked around the house for Aaliyah but couldn't find her and that only meant she had to be in upstairs somewhere. He first went to check her room but she wasn't there. He checked the office and still couldn't find her, he didn't know where else to look. After thinking for a few seconds he heard music coming from the other end of the hall. He followed the sound and stood in front of the closed double doors to the loft. He slowly opened them and peaked inside to see if Aaliyah was in there and she was. She was dancing in front of the huge wall mirror. She had on some harem pants and a sports bra which was what Larry noticed first, then he looked down at her feet as she did four graceful pirouettes and noticed she had something on her feet that helped her do her turns. He stepped inside and continued to watch her dance because it was like she didn't even notice him there. Not long after Larry, Laurent peeked in and seen Aaliyah dancing as well as his brother standing there watching her. They were astonished. Neither of them had seen her dance besides in the club with Shakel. Now was very different. Her fluid dance moves were like a mixture of hip hop and modern. She did everything so graceful all the way until the end of the song. The way she ended the dance she was sitting on the floor but then she laid on her back with her hands over her face. The quick rise and fall of her chest indicated that she was out of breath and tired. She just laid there, not moving or saying anything. She quickly exchanged her hands for her arm and continued to relax there.

"Why are you here?" Aaliyah spoke in a very monotone voice without looking in the twins direction.

They looked at each other not sure who she was speaking to. "Who?" Laurent spoke up.

"The only cheater in this room."

Larry looked at Laurent shocked and confused then looked back in Aaliyah's direction. "What are you talking about baby sister?"

"Ask your brother."

Larry looked at Laurent angrily and shook his head. He put two and two together and figured it out immediately. "Why you do that to her? You stupid!"

"I don't know what she's talking about, I did nothing. I swear." Laurent lied.

"You lying! I know you lying. Why you do that to her? You say to people you love them but you hurt them. Why Laurent!"

Aaliyah stood up from the floor and grabbed her phone and walked out of the loft. Laurent was behind her and Larry followed. Laurent grabbed for Aaliyah's hand and she quickly tugged away.

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