That's how they spend the next hour or so. Well, half of that is them actually playing, the other half involves Oikawa antagonizing Iwaizumi until the point Iwaizumi chases and hits him. They are both smiling and out of breath when Oikawa hits the puck as hard as he can toward the other side of the rink. Iwaizumi glares while Oikawa smirks.

"Oops?" He offers before Iwaizumi starts skating towards him. Oikawa quickly starts skating backward. "It was an accident." He says, realizing that skating backward is not a good idea as Iwaizumi gets closer.

"You are full of shit." Oikawa can't help but grin.

"It was an ac—" He's cut off by his own little scream when Iwaizumi picks up speed, Oikawa turning and skating away quickly. He knows Iwaizumi is faster than him and could easily catch him, but he doesn't. He stays a little away as Oikawa skates around the rink for a couple rounds. Then he quickly speeds up, passing Oikawa and turning around, stopping in front of him. Oikawa's eyes widen and he quickly tries to skid to a stop, but still crashes into Iwaizumi and sending them to the ground with a groan.

They are both breathing heavily, Oikawa on top of Iwaizumi, and trying to catch his breath when the boy below him starts laughing. Oikawa rises enough to see the boy's face, surprised but grinning as he laughs lightly. "I'll be honest, that wasn't the best idea." He says and Oikawa chuckles at that, feeling the ache in his body from the crash. He has a moment of simply staring at Iwaizumi below him, both breathing heavily and staring into each other's eyes, before he rolls himself over till his back is on the ice, both laying and staring up at the fluorescent lights.

"Fuck I'm tired." Oikawa breathes out, hearing Iwaizumi hum in agreement next to him, both boys simply allowing the freezing cold ice to climb up their spine, sending a chill throughout their skin.

"I can walk you home if you want." He says and Oikawa can't help but grin.

"Such a gentleman Iwa-chan." He turns to look at Iwaizumi, who meets his gaze and laughs. Oikawa feels his chest flutter at the sound. "But I'm not going home tonight." He continues to distract himself from thoughts he definitely cannot be having right now. Iwaizumi sits up, looking down at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Why?" Oikawa sighs.

"I don't wanna deal with my dad and knowing him he'll stay up as late as he can in hopes to catch me sneaking in, giving him more reason to yell and call me slurs. Just not in the mood tonight so I was just gonna stay here all night and figure shit out in the morning." Iwaizumi eyes him for a moment before rolling his eyes and pushing himself to his feet. Oikawa stays laying, looking up at Iwaizumi who sticks out his hand.

"No, you're not." Oikawa takes it and lets Iwaizumi pull him to his feet while he gives the boy a confused look. "Just come crash at my place." He states and then skates away towards the edge of the ice while Oikawa stands there momentarily, trying to figure out if he heard him right.

"What?" He says dumbly as he turns to see Iwaizumi get off the ice.

"Crash at my place." He repeats as Oikawa finally skates to the edge of the ice, seeing Iwaizumi sitting on one of the bleachers, untying the dark blue laces of his black skates.

"Why?" Oikawa asks, leaning against the waist-high wall.

"You're exhausted. At this rate, you are going to overwork yourself until you collapse. It's not healthy, you need sleep and rest." He doesn't look up as he says it so he missed Oikawa's dumbfounded expression. One he quickly shakes away to skepticism. He narrows his eyes as Iwaizumi finally looks up, raising his eyebrows in response. "What?" He asks a little impatiently, pulling the skates off.

"You being nice is weird. I'm trying to figure out your alternative motive." Iwaizumi rolls his eyes again and slips on his sneakers.

"Fuck you. Stop being so untrusting and get your ass off the ice." Oikawa suppressed a smile and finally steps off the ice and walks to his bag to change into his shoes.

Off The IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora