Chapter 52

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Jin is already in his third trimester, halfway through his eighth month mark getting closer and closer to the due date and it's also been about a year and a half of his and Namjoon's relationship which also means it will be Kookie's 5th birthday very soon (which is the day after by the way). 'Time really flies by,' Jin thought to himself as he was sipping his warm tea on the balcony, watching the pretty white clouds slowly moving with the gentle breeze.  'What are you thinking about baby?' Namjoon asked gently as he engulfed his husband in a back hug and rested his chin on the latter's shoulder making him smile beautifully as he turned towards his handsome husband, 'Just thinking about us and how time flies by so fast,' the doctor answered as his husband pressed a gentle kiss to his  neck before he looked into his eyes, 'Mmm, time really does fly without a care in the world, Kook will soon turn five, we have our second child on the way and it feels like it was only yesterday that I had confessed my feelings to you but here we are, a year and a half together. Sometimes I wish that time would just freeze so I could hold you longer, cuddle with you and Kookie without worrying about him growing up, see you glow like this for longer and looking at you this moment as the sun starts to go down the horizon and casting a golden hue on your angelic face, it is one of the moments I wish time freezes.' When Namjoon had finished what he was saying, Jin carefully turned in his arms so he was now facing him and he pecked his lips lightly, 'I love you so much,' he said softly as he rested his head on Namjoon's chest, 'And I love you sweetheart, now let's head back inside before you feel cold. Besides, Kookie will be home soon and I'm sure he's very eager to talk to his little baby,' and the doctor nodded his head as he smiled at his husband, handing him his teacup while he waddles into their bedroom.

'Oh Joonie did you send the baby basket to the Mins?' Jin asked once he's settled comfortably on the bed, remembering that they had ordered some baby care products for Yoongi's and Hobi's four month old daughter. And yes, Hoseok gave birth to his baby girl four months ago and it was complete chaos even though he was already at the hospital before his contractions started. It was his due date and Yoongi being the good husband he is had already booked a room for Hobi one day before and they had spent an entire night at the hospital with Dr. Ko checking in every other hour to make sure everything was alright and it was. But, at 4 am while Yoongi was fast asleep on the sofa, he was awakened by Hoseok's painful cries so he quickly got up and rushed out the door to call for nurses before he went to his husband's side and held his hand. 'Honey stay with me, they'll take you the delivery room soon,' the elder male assured his groaning husband, 'I know ughh~ it fucking h-hurts,' Hoseok said through gritted teeth and just then three nurses enter the room, 'Sir we're gonna take your husband to the delivery room, in the meantime please fill out the paperwork and once you're done one of our nurses will sterilize you and you can come into the delivery room,' a senior nurse explained while the other two started wheeling Hoseok out of the room. Yoongi then immediately filled out the paperwork in record time before calling Namjoon who answered within a few rings, 'Yes hyung?' the CEO answered sleepily, 'Hobi's in labour,' Yoongi said before hanging up and immediately going to the delivery room, trusting that his best friend will inform his parents and Hobi's father.

The moment Yoongi enters the room, he can see Hoseok crying in pain as he tries to push with all his might so he immediately went to his side and encouraged his brave and strong husband. Dr Ko and the assisting nurses also encouraged him but even after two hours of pushing, nothing happened and suddenly Yoongi felt like his soul had left his body when the monitors started beeping and the nurses are frantically moving around screaming things he couldn't understand. 'HOBI! HOBI! DOCTOR WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHY IS MY HUSBAND UNCONSCIOUS?!' Yoongi asked in panic as the monitors keep on beeping and his husband suddenly went limp. 'Sir, your husband's blood pressure is too high so we need to perform a c-section immediately in order for him and your baby to be healthy. Do you consent?' Dr Ko asks in a hurry, ' Just do whatever you can to save them please, please save them,' Yoongi answered with tears streaming down his face and once the nurses get the OK from their doctor they immediately wheeled Hobi out of the delivery room to an OR in a hurry. When Yoongi steps outside of the room, a pair of arms surrounds him in a warm embrace, 'It's okay hyung, Hobi is a strong man and so is your child so you have to be strong for them too,' Namjoon whispers as he hugs his best friend and lets him cry on his chest. 'I'm so fucking terrified Joon,' 'I know hyung, I know how scary it is but Hobi and your child are going to be okay,' Namjoon comforts again and after a while Yoongi finally calmed down. Once he's let go of Namjoon, he sees his parents and his father-in-law looking at him with sympathy but also a worried look in their eyes but they still smiled and told him to stay strong, then Ji-hoon and Young-jae hugged him and comforted him as well and he felt better. An hour later, Dr Ko walked out of the OR with a big smile on his face telling the worried Yoongi that his husband and his daughter are both perfectly fine and healthy which made everyone there sigh in relief.  And that's how little Min Chaewon was born and everyone adored her, even little Kookie who had visited his uncle Hobi with his papa early in the morning.

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