Chapter 17

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'Lunch was amazing and we had so much fun today, thank you so much Jin,' Hoseok beamed as he hugged the mentioned male tightly. It was already evening, around 5 pm and the seven were already at the parking lot. 'No, thank you for coming along and making Kookie's day,' Jin replied with a smile. Yoongi also bid goodbye to everyone and thanked Jin for the tickets and the lunch before he stepped into his car alongwith his fiance, starting the car and driving off after a few minutes. Then Jin was hugged tightly once again, but this time by his friend and co-worker, Jimin. 'I'll see you tomorrow morning Jin hyung, thank you so much for today and thank you for paying for our date,' the nurse said with a shy giggle earning a laugh from his hyung, 'I'm glad you're happy Jimin-ah, I'll see you tomorrow and be safe okay,' 'Don't worry Jin hyung, I'll make sure my angel reaches home safely,' Tae said as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist. He had just finished talking to his hyung and nephew and he's already started his car, so now he just came to thank Jin, 'Thank you for today Jin hyung, I owe you alot,' he said genuinely because if he hadn't come to the park he wouldn't have gone to the haunted house and gotten so much closer with Jimin, 'You don't owe me anything. Just be safe and have a good night you two,' the doctor said and the new couple nodded happily before entering their car and soon enough leaving the place, leaving only Jin, Namjoon and Kookie there.

'I think we should get going as well, it's an hour long drive and we'll reach around 6:30 if we leave now,' Namjoon said and Jin agreed, 'Yes, it'll be perfect if we leave now,' and so Joon opened the back seat and made Jungkook sit there, buckling him securely. Then, he opened the passenger door for Jin who again blushed and thanked him before getting in and once he shut the door, he too entered and started the car. Once the car was heated up, they drove off, back to their homes. Along the way, the three were chatting happily about the events of the day and the happiest out of all of them was Kook. The boy wouldn't stop rambling to his appa and Jin about the rides he went on or about the games he had played, it was his first time at such a park so he was really excited and neither Namjoon nor Jin got bored of listening to him.

'Uncle Jinnie can Kookie go again to the park with you and appa?' Kook asked shyly as if he didn't want to put pressure on Jin, 'Of course baby, anything for my sweet bunny Kookie,' the doctor replied with a big smile making Jungkook clap his hands and squeal in joy, and of course Namjoon's heart also did a somersault at Jin's sweet answer. Halfway through the journey, Namjoon had suggested that they should have dinner together and Jin happily agreed since the former argued that he feels guilty since Jin had paid for everthing at the park including their lunch. The doctor was happy to pay but he also understood that Namjoon also wanted to do something at least, so they decided that the latter would pay for dinner, they also decided to eat at one of Kookie's favourite restaurants.

Small timeskip

Jin was feeding Kookie some of his own ice cream as dessert because the boy did not like the one he had wanted and had asked his appa to order. 'You really didn't have to share yours with Kook, I could just order him another one,' Namjoon said as he felt bad for Jin who had to share his dessert with Kook, he himself can't do it since he ordered the same one as his son. 'Namjoon, it's totally fine. I'm happy to share with my bun,' the doctor said making the said man feel butterflies in his stomach. Just Jin referring to his son as 'my bun' made Namjoon feel so happy because he can see how much the younger man genuinely cares for and loves his son, and this just added to Namjoon's  courage in his heart to consider having a relationship with Jin, because quite frankly he has fallen in love with the said man.

After the dinner, they made their way back to the car as Kookie was already half asleep in his appa's arms. 'Namjoon, you should go straight home. Kookie is already asleep and he's exhausted from today's activities, you don't have to worry about me. It's still early and I can easily get a cab,' Jin said and just as Namjoon was about to protest, a loud and panicked 'No!' came from the little boy who they thought was already asleep. Kookie was almost asleep yes, his eyes were droopy and he couldn't open them fully but he still heard what was going on around him. So when he heard Jin telling his appa to leave without him as he can still easily get a cab, the little boy panicked because he didn't want his uncle Jinnie to leave him, he thought that he'll be abandoned, Jin won't be with him ever again and Kookie doesn't want that. He wants to be with Jin and his appa forever because he loves them so much and he wants Jin to be his papa.

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