Chapter 29

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A week has passed since Jin recieved the pictures. Namjoon had doubled the security around his and his parents' mansions, he also doubled the security at Tae's place and their company's properties. Two personal bodyguards each were appointed to Jin and Jimin for their safety since they still didn't find out who's the person or group who wanted to challenge Whalien52 and it's leader, RM. But, everything has been completely normal since that day. No letters or pictures were delivered, there were no unusual happenings and definitely nothing out of the ordinary giving everyone a sense of relief but still, they didn't let their guard down. Namjoon also appointed two more bodyguards for Kookie on Jin's request even though he already had Taecyeon and Minhyuk who of course didn't mind but actually happy that their young master could get extra protection. Another thing was that Hyun-woo and Young-jae have also been helping RM and his group in trying to figure out who the person behind the pictures was, but he was so good at covering his tracks that even the best men still couldn't find a trace of him.

It was a hot late summer evening and RM sat on his chair inside his office at the Group's headquarters, his fists clenched tightly while his face looked dark with wrath. No one dared to disturb him as he was exuding a murderous aura, not even Suga or Hobi spoke a word. 'I want the footages from all the cctvs that are around the places where Jin had been this last week by tomorrow evening. Use whatever resources you need, use whoever you need to get them, I don't fucking care. If I don't recieve anything by then, expect to see my wrath,' RM said in a dangerous tone as he stood up from his seat and took the envelope that was delivered to him that morning before walking out of the room. 'You heard the boss, Hobi gather your team and start working on finding the footages. I'll try to scout the areas in case there are any clues and I'm taking some men with me. Lee you better call V and ask him to start checking police footages,' Suga said and Hobi along with the other five team leaders in the room nodded before they too left to start on their alloted works.

Meanwhile RM went straight to his car and once he got in, he let out a shaky breath. His heart was still thumping in fear and anger, he tried to be strong and control his emotions in the office, but right now when he's all alone, he couldn't anymore. The fear of your loved one being in danger takes a toll on you, especially if you love them with all your heart. RM took a deep breath, his hands still shaking as he remembered what he saw in the envelope delivered to him at his company that morning. He had took it and thought that it was just another work related document, but the moment he opened it and saw what was inside, he felt his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach and a gut wrenching fear overtook him as he left the company building to go to his mafia headquarters and gather his top team leaders to help him. Inside the envelope were photographs, but this time they were of Jin at different places he's been during the week. Someone had been following him everywhere and taking those pictures because they were all real and not edited nor photoshopped. It made RM worried sick because the bodyguards he had appointed for his lover, although top tier didn't notice that he was being watched and followed.

RM slowly took a deep breath and started his car after he had calmed down, but before he could drive off his personal phone rang and he immediately answered without even checking the caller. 'Hello,' 'Joonie, I just called to inform you that I just reached home safely and our baby is also home,' a soft and gentle voice spoke through the phone making the man sigh in great relief, 'Honey are you okay?' 'Yes, I'm sorry baby. I'm just glad you're home safe, I'm also on my way home and I'll be there in half an hour OK,' 'Okay, be safe Joonie. I love you,' 'I love you too baby.'  After hearing Jin's voice on the phone and knowing that both his babies are safe, RM felt the stress and anxiety leave his body; he then drove off and made his way home, home to his babies. Although he knew that there's still someone out there who wants to hurt him and his family, for now he was content that his family is safe and he'll make sure to always protect them and be there for them. He vowed to himself that as long as he lives, nobody can hurt his family.

I'll Stand By YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora