Chapter 1

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'Don't worry sweetheart, you'll get better very soon if you take your medicines regularly and get a good rest,' Seokjin told a little girl of eight, who had come into his clinic with her father because of a very bad cold. After the check up, the doctor turned to her father with a soft smile, 'You don't have to worry sir, it's just the common cold. But you do have to make sure she's always warm and eat a healthy meal, and make sure she takes her medications on time. Our nurse, Jimin, will give you the medicines on the prescription at the front desk,' he said and the father stood up and bowed to him before picking up his daughter and heading out of the cabin, thanking the doctor once again. Once the father and his daughter stepped out of the room, Jin let out a loud sigh as he sat on his chair and leaned his head back, staring at the blue ceiling. It had been a very tiring and long day for the doctor who had been inside his cabin from 9:00 am and given that it was already almost close to 6:30 pm, he was mentally and physically exhausted. It was just the beginning of spring, and a change in the weather had caused many little children to be susceptible to the common cold and so he had quite a lot of patients that day and since he was known as the best pediatrician in the city, he was extra busy. Him, being the ever so kind doctor who never charges a high price was very popular among all classes of society- even the lower income people could afford his services because his main goal of becoming a doctor was never about the prestige and money, but about helping others. So yes, Kim Seokjin is not only an amazing doctor, but also an amazing human being.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door and Seokjin sat up straight again before saying a soft 'come in'. The door opened gently, and a head with ashy silver locks of hair popped out from behind the door, 'Jin hyung, there are no more patients for you to see,' the person said as he stepped into the cabin with a big smile on his face, the doctor returning it with a smile of his own. 'Thank you Jimin-ah, it's been a very busy day,' Seokjin said as he stifled a yawn, his eyes getting a bit teary as a result and making Jimin giggle, 'You must be very tired then hyung, so you can leave now and I'll lock up everything,' the nurse said sweetly making the doctor feel really grateful. 'You're really an angel Jimin-ah, besides filling in for Jisoo at the front desk today, you'll also help lock up, I'll make sure to give you a bonus this month,' 'No hyung! I'm happy to help you, you've done more than enough for me,' Jimin said with a smile and hugged Jin who had already put on his coat and getting ready to leave. As the two part from the hug, the elder switched off the lights in his cabin and locked it. 'I'll see you tomorrow Jimin-ah, take care on your way home and Jisoo's still sick so you'll have to fill in for her again,' Seokjin said, feeling guilty about having to make his friend work extra, 'Oh don't worry about it hyung, and you be safe too! Have a goodnight,' Jimin said sweetly as he waved goodbye to the elder.

As Seokjin stepped outside of his clinic he could feel the chilly air blowing harshly against his skin, but to him it was refreshing. After a long day being locked up in his cabin and dealing with his little patients, the cold air was not so bad. You see Seokjin loves his profession with all his heart, it was what he had always dreamt of since he was a little boy himself, but on days like these where he did not even have time to take a little break for himself (well except for his twenty minute lunch break), he just wanted to get to his condo as quickly as he could and take a long relaxing shower to wash away all the stress of the day and to just curl into his bed and fall into a deep slumber. As the doctor was thinking about relaxing, he let out a deep sigh of a little annoyance. Today, he did not bring his car with him because he had wanted to enjoy the morning breeze that beautiful morning; now however he was regretting his decision. He didn't live too far away, in fact, he had chosen to set up his clinic near his condo for easy commute but he still did take him a good twenty minutes by car. So, if he did want to reach home faster, he'd have to take the shortcut he usually takes when he chooses to walk instead of driving- the shortcut from the local park that will only take him ten minutes to reach his home. It was a safe neighborhood, so the doctor wasn't really afraid of taking the shortcut and besides it was only about 7:00 pm, there were still people moving about here and there.

Seokjin was walking in a slow pace, enjoying the night air even though he was exhausted, humming softly to himself and occasionally looking up at the sky adorned with bright twinkling stars. He was almost at the park and he smiled to himself, remembering the first time he had moved into the city, Seom- the capital of Bangtan to set up his own clinic and buying his own condo and that was just two years ago, when he was only 25. He was lucky enough that his parents helped him in buying the condo and the place where he had set up his clinic, but he had repaid everything just last year because he wanted to be independent. He loves his parents, but he never liked using their money or taking anything for granted. He came from a wealthy family, sure, but his parents raised him to be a humble and kind man who should work hard and appreciate the little things in life. Looking back at his life, Kim Seokjin felt content with everything he had.

Walking through the park, the doctor felt happy, a bliss that only he knew because in just about five more minutes he'll reach his condo and he'll get the rest he had so well deserved but fate had other plans for the man. Fate is a funny thing, and no one can escape it and our kind man, Kim Seokjin is about to meet a kind of a twisted fate, one that he had never ever in his 27 years of living thought could happen. Fate plays it's own role always!

A/N: Hey my lovelies! I hope you're all doing well and happy!
So this is the first chapter of my new story and I hope I didn't bore you too much. But I'll try to make this story as interesting as I can, even though I'm not too good with this mafia au.

Love you guys and take care 💜

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