Chapter 13

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After half an hour or so, Ji-hoon stepped into the living room with a smile on his face seeing how much his husband is enjoying with Namjoon and Seokjin. 'Dinner is ready, the maids are just setting everything up,' he said cheerfully, 'That's amazing honey, come here,' Young-jae said as he opened his arms for his lover who immediately went to him and pecked his cheeks lovingly before demanding a forehead kiss from him. Jin smiled softly watching the love between the elder Kims, secretly wishing in his heart to one day have a love like that too. Namjoon on the other hand sighed gently, wondering how his parents are still so in love with each other even after 30 years of being together, he wondered if he too could ever have something like that with someone but he quickly chased away his thoughts because he knows that he'll never be able to have it. 'Alright, we should head to the dining  room t-' Namjoon couldn't complete his sentence because he heard a loud sob and a loud wail of 'appa' coming  from upstairs so he quickly left the room. Jin was also about to follow him, but he stopped himself because he didn't want the elder Kims to think that he's getting too involved or something, although they wouldn't have really minded, it's just his own thoughts.

Namjoon entered his son's bedroom to find the little boy crying his heart out, his little hands rubbing his eyes and his reddened cheeks. The father went to his side and picked him up in his arms, kissing his forehead, 'Why are you crying champ? Are you hurt sweetheart?' he asked while softly swaying his body to calm the crying boy. 'N-no un-ncle Jinnie l-left Kookie,'  Jungkook said in between his sobs while Namjoon now understood his son's outburst so he carried the boy downstairs and into the living room while Kookie has his face buried in his father's neck. When they reached the living room, Namjoon softly carded his fingers through Kookie's hair and said softly, 'Look baby, uncle Jinnie did not leave you. He's right there,' and immediately the boy lifted his head up and looked around the room till his eyes landed on Jin. The moment Jin's eyes met Kookie's, he quickly went to Namjoon's side; 'Are you crying because of me baby?' he asked tenderly as he gently wipes away Jungkook's tears with his thumb. 'I thought y-you leave K-kookie and b-bwoke your p-pwomise,' the now sniffling boy said while making grabby hands at Jin who smiled softly as Namjoon handed the boy to him.

The whole scene looked so domestic and beautiful. Namjoon stood just to the left of Jin (their shoulders touching), as the latter held Kookie in his arms, smiling softly as the boy hugged him tightly and buried his face in his neck, his right hand holding on to his appa's index finger because he wanted his appa and his uncle Jinnie to be as close to him as possible. Luckily, that precious soft moment was captured by Ji-hoon on his phone because he wanted that moment to be cherished and not wasted. 'Don't cry anymore baby, I'm here right and I won't leave without letting you know okay,' Jin said as he kissed the boy's head earning a little whine from him and then a nod. 'Alright, since Kookie is also up let's all have dinner,' Young-jae said and everyone agreed and headed to the dining room, Kookie now being carried by his appa again.

Now everyone was sat at the dinner table and the maids started serving the various dishes prepared by Ji-hoon. They shared a few conversations in between their bites and the atmosphere in the room was light and quite homey, it warmed their hearts and made them feel like an actual complete family. After dinner, they all headed to the living room again and Kookie looked better already- he was telling a story about his stuffed animals and also showing Jin how he can sing the entire alphabet song and the latter rewarded him with kisses all over his face. Then came the time for Jin to take his leave as it was already past 9 pm, 'Kook baby, I have to go home now,' and Jungkook did not say a word, instead, he moved from his appa's lap to Jin's (since they were sitting next to each other) and hugged him tightly.

'Uncle Jinnie s-stay with Kookie and appa,' he pleaded making Jin's heart ache because that is something he can't do; so, he placed Kookie on his lap properly and took his little hands into his, 'I cannot do that baby.' Of course Jungkook was heartbroken because his uncle Jinnie did not want to stay with him, so with quivering lips and teary eyes, 'W-why uncle Jinnie n-no stay,' he asked and Jin really couldn't find the right words to explain to the young boy that it's not as easy as it sounds, staying over at someone's place is something you do only when you're really close. 'He can't do that because we are not so close Kook,' Namjoon answered seeing that Jin was having trouble answering his son, 'B-but Kookie and uncle J-Jinnie are close. I love uncle Jinnie this much,' Kookie said cutely while stretching his arms wide  showing his appa how much he loves Jin and also making his appa at a loss for words. 'Of course we're close baby, and I love you just as much as you love me but appa and I are not so close and it's rude to just stay over if you're not very close okay sweetheart,' Jin tried and it seemed like Kookie would understand but instead he made Namjoon have a coughing fit and Jin's ears to turn as red as tomatoes when he said, 'So then appa and uncle Jinnie be close and be like Dada and pa, then we can live together.'

Now as Namjoon and Jin are still affected by Jungkook's words, Young-jae came to the rescue. 'Now now Kook, it's not as easy as you say it is son. You see your appa and your uncle Jinnie are both grown up men so if they want to be close as you say then they will need a lot of time baby,' he said as he picked up his grandson from Jin's lap and hoist him up on his shoulder making the little boy squeal a little. The two shy males now felt relief for being saved but Kook still has some more questions; 'Why do they need a lot of time pa?' he asked curiously, his doe eyes sparkling with curiosity making the elderly man laugh. 'Because they need to know about each other and not only that but also their families, their work  their past. They've been in this world for a long time baby, so they need a lot of time to tell each other about those years and also to learn about each other,' Ji-hoon was the one who answered now, as he reaches up to pinch his grandson's cheeks, 'Why are you asking so many questions huh bunny?' he asked playfully earning a giggle from the boy.

After a few minutes Kookie asked his grandpa to put him down and when he was on the floor he walked over to Jin with a shy smile, 'I'm sowwy for asking you to stay uncle Jinnie, I did not know you have to be close to appa,' he said and Jin kneeled down so he was at eye level with the boy. 'It's okay baby, you didn't know,' Jin said as he pulled Kookie into a hug, 'Well I will leave now okay but you can always call me anytime,' and Kookie nodded before placing a kiss on his cheeks making the elder smile widely, 'Thank you sweetie, have a Goodnight and eat well okay,' Jin said and then he stood up straight and bowed to the elders in the room, 'Thank you for the dinner uncle Ji-hoon and uncle Young-jae, it was lovely,' 'Oh you sweet boy we should be the ones thanking you dear. And you're always welcomed here anytime okay, treat us like your family okay,' Ji-hoon said as he pulled the doctor into a warm hug while his husband patted Jin's shoulder like he would always do to his own sons.

After saying goodbyes to the elder Kims, Jin was escorted by Namjoon and Kookie to his car. 'Thank you for accompanying me to my car,' he said with a bright smile that was returned by the father-son duo equally, 'It's our pleasure and Jin, thank you once again for coming here and helping us. We owe you a lot,' Namjoon said as he bowed his head in gratitude warming the doctor's heart and making him blush because it's really rare for extremely rich people to be humble and kind but, here standing before him is the great Kim Namjoon thanking him and even bowing. 'You don't have to thank me a million times Namjoon, I'm happy to help and please don't hesitate to call me if you need my help again,' he said cheerfully and then he turned his attention to the little boy who was in Namjoon's arms, 'Remember to eat your veggies okay bun, and also remember that you don't have to be afraid of anything love, appa is very strong and he'll protect you from all bad things and even when sometimes he's late, I'll always be here for you okay,' he said and kissed the boy's head. Jungkook nodded his head, he promised himself that he'll not be easily scared from now on because  his appa is there and also uncle Jinnie  'Kookie is not scawed anymore uncle Jinnie and don't forget you pwomise to take Kookie to park,' 'You're a good boy and yes I will not forget my promise. I'll arrange a date with appa and then I'll take you okay,' Jin said and then he proceeded to unlock his car. He said another goodbye to the father and son before he entered the car and starting it; after it's heated he quickly drove off leaving the Kim Mansion.

Meanwhile, after Jin drove off,  Namjoon took his son inside, 'We'll stay with Dada and pa tonight and then we'll head home tomorrow morning after breakfast okay,' he said, 'Okay appa and Kookie sweep with you,' Kookie said cutely making his appa coo at his cuteness. They then headed upstairs to Namjoon's bedroom after bidding a Goodnight to the elder Kims because Kookie wanted his appa to read him a bedtime story. So they quickly brushed their teeth and sat on the huge bed, Namjoon then tucking his son in before grabbing a story book from the shelf and he started reading it to his son. After half an hour, the little boy was asleep and Namjoon too closed his eyes and drifted to dreamland.

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