Not A Chapter

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Hey my lovelies💜
So this isn't a chapter, obviously, and sorry if you've expected one. I won't be updating tomorrow since I'm taking a rest to recover fast. But, don't worry I'll update on Tuesday.

I'm doing this question thingy since I got tagged by my lovely friend who is like my little sister, tangyunzhi

I'm doing this question thingy since I got tagged by my lovely friend who is like my little sister, tangyunzhi

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

1. Three words to describe me: Playful, Small and Charming

2.Something that everyone loves but I find overrated: I don't know, but maybe Cheesecakes?

3.Home on the beach or mountains? : Mountains, I've always loved mountains

4.Things that make me laugh: Not things, just my best friend

5. Jump into a pool full of something? Nah girl I can't swim, so ain't doing that.

6. A fictional character I'd like to become: Hmm probably Sherlock Holmes, I find him intriguing

7. Crush on an animated character? Hell yeah! It would be Aomine Daiki from Kuroko no basuke

8.Worst lie I've told my parents? It's really dumb.... But I told them I was going to my driving lessons but instead I went to watch a basketball match.... This was like 4 years ago, and they found out the next day

9.Habit that I broke and I'm proud about it: Biting my nails

10.A sexy animal?.... Umm I don't know 😆

11.Am I naughty or nice?.... You get the best of both worlds😆

12.Favourite joke?.... I have too many

13. Weirdest nickname I've had: It's not weird, but I don't like it... Peach🙄

14. It'd be better if I change it's colour?..... Hmm probably nothing

15. Is double texting a big deal? I don't know... I do so myself and it's not a problem for me, but that's up to you

16. If my life was a movie, it'd be called Blessings 😉

17. The last concert I went to was on the 10th of May, nothing big.. Just a concert our college held to promote the students' talents. It was fun and there was a lot of dancing and screaming.

18. I wish I was really good at painting... Cause I suck

19.If I was a dog.... I'd be a retriever

20.The most spontaneous thing I did.... In high school during our Sports tournament, nobody from our class participated in the javelin throw so we were gonna get minus points. But, me being the playful one decided to just give my name on the day itself without even preparing.... I went ahead and did it and I actually got a gold medal

21. Ah if I had a time machine, I wouldn't use it to go back or to visit the future. I just go with the flow

22. The last show I binge watched.... Rizzoli and Isles

23. If I had to rename myself... I'd probably choose.... Sophia, because it means wisdom

24. My favourite item of clothing : Definitely a comfy hoodie

25. If I could be an animal, I'd choose a wolf.

So that's it. I'm not that interesting, but this helped kill my boredom a bit!

JiniuiGeol, BincyBabu493, xxGabehxx, Rkive65, Ari-Ch17, if y'all want to do this, go ahead🤷‍♀️ I'm just tagging y'all for fun❤💜

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