Chapter 5

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TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Child abuse is mentioned in this chapter as well. Please do not read if you are in any way uncomfortable!


As the woman continued laughing, Jungkook was twice as more scared and confused; 'So do you recognise me Kim Jungkook?' she asked with a devilish grin that spread across her face making her look terrifying and evil and all little Kookie could do was nod his head slowly, his tears never ceasing to flow. 'Say my name!' she yelled making the boy flinch in fear, 'A-a-aunty Na-na-Naeun,' he stammered in fear making the woman laugh again, 'You are one smart boy, too bad you're gonna die so soon and your appa won't be able to even locate your body! Hahaha!' Jungkook widened his eyes in fear, he doesn't understand what dying really means but he knows that when someone "dies" you won't be able to see or meet them again and he doesn't want that to happen to him because he will miss his appa and his uncles, he'll miss his grandparents too and his nanny, Mrs Song. The woman kicked Kookie on his stomach this time, making the boy fall back again, a sharp pain shooting across his tummy and when he thought she was done, the woman took off her six inch heels and stomped on his chest with a little force, not so much as to break but enough to bruise and hurt the boy. By this time, Jungkook was screaming in pain but the woman only laughed louder, and she took her heels in her hands and pressed them into the little boy's thighs making him cry harder.

After ten minutes of her torturing, she finally stopped and stepped back, sitting on her haunches and looking at the crying boy. 'Well well well, I don't know if you'll even understand what I'm about to explain to you but I decided to at least let you know why I'll kill you, so listen to what I have to say very carefully little boy. I have been working for your appa for two years! Two fucking years! I am the chief of his marketing department and I finally managed to get him to notice me after one year and nine months, that means three months ago. I remember when he first invited me to his mansion, I got all dolled up, I even bought a new designer dress so that he'll find me more attractive but when I got there, imagine how hurt I was when I found out he has a fucking son! So even if I marry him all his riches would go to you. Oh that day I remember how excited I was when the CEO invited me to his mansion to bring in the reports because he couldn't attend the meeting and I thought he was using that as an excuse to call me over but when I got there, it was only because you were sick and he had to take care of you!' she spoke harshly while looking at the crying boy without any sympathy or humanity.

Jungkook did remember her very well. Son Na-eun, chief of the marketing department in Namjoon's company. The lady came to their mansion three months ago, dressed all sultry but she had been so kind to the little boy, especially when he was sick. She even offered to read him a story to help him fall asleep but Namjoon did not allow that, he never allows anyone to read to his son, he was the only one who could do it. After that, she has visited the mansion everyday for a week because Namjoon couldn't attend the meetings because Kookie had caught the flu, so he stayed home to take care of him. Na-eun had acted so sweet to the boy, always bringing him treats and speaking to him like a mother to get his appa's attention but she failed. The man was as cold as ice, he didn't even notice her provocative way of dressing everyday, the only person he cared about was his son so she was jealous and angry. She realised that the only way to get the man's attention is to get rid of his son, so, she started working on a perfect plan to kidnap Kookie without anyone noticing and to murder him leaving no traces of evidence. That's how she threatened the Kim's newly hired maid to bring little Kookie to the West garden where she had been able to hire a hacker to hack into the security cameras in that area for a few hours. The maid, whose sister was in a critical condition in a hospital was threatened that if she didn't help her, her sister would be dead, so having no choice because of fear (cause when you're scared out of your wits you tend to do stupid things and you cannot think straight) she took little Kookie to the garden.

Now, Na-eun stood up from where she was sitting and looked into Jungkook's eyes with the coldest eyes filled with hatred and jealousy, 'Goodbye bitch! In a matter of just a few minutes this place will burn down and so will your little body and life. I pity you, but I'll give your appa more children,' she said with a laugh as she finally walked away, back to where she entered from while Jungkook was trembling in fear and pain. He closed his eyes, not knowing what will happen. Suddenly, he heard an explosion and he buried his face in between his knees, body aching all over and heart thumping loudly against his chest, his tears never stopping, 'A-appa' he softly cried out in vain but there was no use- the room slowly started feeling hotter and hotter, smoke was beginning to enter the room causing the  boy to cough hardly. He was feeling weak and numb, his head was spinning but suddenly the door on the other side of the room opened and the maid who had led him to the garden earlier rushed inside and carried the weak Kookie outside, thus saving him from the fire.

The maid felt so guilty after seeing Jungkook being taken away by the men that Na-eun had hired, so she told them to take her with them because she might get caught which was also in a way true. However, when they reached the abandoned building and Kookie was carried roughly inside, the maid did not leave the place, instead she stayed near the place and saw the woman who threatened her enter inside. After a few minutes of her entry, a loud cry was heard from inside and it went on for half an hour and then the woman stepped out, a smirk on her face that made the maid very uneasy. After about two minutes, there was an explosion in the building, and the fire was spreading way too fast almost reaching the room where Jungkook was. At that moment, she wanted to make things right, to feel less guilty for helping in her young master's kidnapping so she ran to where the room was and luckily there was a side door so she hurriedly approached it and tried to open it and fortunately, the door was neither locked nor jammed and she quickly helped save the little boy.

Jungkook kept on coughing, and he was feeling very weak because of his injuries and crying, so the maid gave him some water and he felt better. Now the place where they were was two hours away from the city and it was actually her hometown, but she was too scared to take Jungkook to the capital herself, so she called her cousin and told him to drop the little boy at the local park in Seom after explaining the whole situation to him. Her cousin was reluctant to help but after her continuous begs, he gave in and drove Kookie to the capital. After two hours, when the sky was already getting dark, he reached Seom and told the little boy to get out of his car and to hide anywhere in the park until someone kind found him. Jungkook, who was still so shaken up from what had happened to him just a few hours ago, whose body was hurting and he was also so hungry didn't really understand much but because of his fear of being taken away again, he quickly ran away, as fast as his weak little legs allowed him and hid behind the biggest bush he saw and that's where Seokjin found him.
End of flashback


Son Na-eun25Chief of Marketing Department in Mono IncObsessed with the idea of Kim Namjoon falling in love with her

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Son Na-eun
Chief of Marketing Department in Mono Inc
Obsessed with the idea of Kim Namjoon falling in love with her

(PS: No hate to Na-eun! Her character here has nothing to do with her character in real life. This is purely fictional!) ....

A/N: Take care everyone, and I hope you like this short chapter 💜

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