Chapter 15

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Saturday evening came and Jin had already bought the tickets to the amusement park for the next day, he had bought seven tickets because  apparently Taehyung had wanted to bring along a date with him. Now, the doctor was in his room reading a book when he got a call, the caller being Kim Namjoon so he picked it up.


Hey Jin, is this a good time for a call?

Yes, of course. I'm not doing anything at the moment, just reading.

Ah, then can you tell me the time we should meet tomorrow?

Oh yes, I've gotten the tickets and so we can meet at 11 am if thats okay.

Okay 11 am it is. And I'll be picking you up from there. Yoongi hyung and Hoseok will meet us at the parking lot of the park and I think Tae will also go separately with his date and meet us there.

Oh okay, so it's just you, Kookie and I.

Yes, I hope you don't mind or feel uncomfortable.

Namjoon, why would I mind? I love spending time with you guys and it makes me happy.
Jin answered with a blush, biting his lips a little because he had said that out loud so now he feels embarrassed.

Well I'm glad to hear that, so we'll see you tomorrow.

Namjoon said, his heart beating a little too fast as his lips curved into a smile, happy that Jin is just as happy as he and his son are to spend time together. 'Gosh Kim Seokjin! You'll be the death of me,' he thought to himself.

See you tomorrow and please tell Kookie I miss him already.

Okay, I'm sure he misses you too.

I hope so, well have a good night Namjoon.

Goodnight  Jin.


Timeskip to the next day:

It was 10:40 am and Jin was already dressed up and ready to go. He had woken up at around 8 in the morning and showered, then, he made a hearty breakfast and made some healthy snacks for Kookie to munch in the car, he then started to get ready. He started to look through his huge walk-in closet for the perfect outfit that was neither too warm nor too cool to match the weather. After an hour of trying on different clothes, Jin had finally chosen the outfit he liked the most and put it on and after that, he put on a little bit of makeup and styled his hair, he had also put on his favourite cologne that his eomma had gotten for him on his birthday last year. Just as he was putting down his book that he had been reading to pass the time, his doorbell rang, startling him a bit, but he got up from his armchair and headed to the door, looking through the peephole to see who it was, smiling when he saw who was on the other side of the door.

Once he opened the door, he was greeted by a warm hug from his cute bunny, sure he had to crouch down for it but it was so worth it. 'Good mowning uncle Jinnie,' Kookie said happily, the brightest smile adorning his cute face, 'Good morning sweetheart, good morning Namjoon,' Jin said as he looked at his cute bunny then at his hot *ahem* appa. 'Good morning Jin, we're a bit early but I hope you don't mind,' Namjoon said with a dimpled smile that made Jin's heart weak, 'I don't mind, why don't you come inside for a bit?' the doctor offered but the tall man shook his head, 'I would love to, but once I'm inside I might be too lazy to go out,' he reasoned making the doctor laugh, 'Appa is a lazy man Kookie,' Jin said in a teasing tone that made Namjoon's heart to go crazy. 'Alright since you won't enter I'll just go grab the snacks I made, you can wait for me in the car,' Jin said as he rushed inside his home and Namjoon nodded, leading Kookie to the car.

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